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Trigger warning: sex mention/sexual innuendos 

A/N: I'm really sorry for the delay I just started college and I've been really busy. 

Alex nearly fell asleep while eating his waffle.

Not the heroic display of badassery that one would expect from the son of Jupiter, Praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata (or, as John Laurens put it, the Twelfth Legion Full Pinata), but he couldn't help it.

Using his powers had exhausted him.

He'd heard of demigods who had powers being tired after using them, but what Alex felt went beyond just normal tiredness after physical exertion.

His limbs felt as though they were made of jelly. He could barely keep his head up, could barely move his fork to his mouth. He felt like all of the strength was seeping out of him the way water seeps out of a balloon when it is punctured.

He felt like a ragdoll: floppy, weak, and useless.

He wished he were a ragdoll. Then John could easily pick him up and carry him to the nearest vaguely horizontal surface so he could sleep for the next few centuries.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Alex said. "I'm just tired. Using my powers takes a lot out of me. I feel like I just ran a marathon with a fifty pound weight strapped to my back."

"I'm sorry, Alex." John said. "I shouldn't have pushed you so hard. It's not good to overexert yourself like that."

"It's not your fault, John." Alex yawned. "I haven't used my powers much. Maybe it'll get easier the more I use them."

"It will." John said, reaching across the table to take Alex's hand. "I know it will."

Alex smiled. John's touch energized him slightly, filled him with the little bit of strength he needed to not fall asleep right there. He was still exhausted, but he felt slightly less exhausted. Rather than feeling like he was going to collapse within the next five minutes, he now had a solid half hour before he passed out.

Maybe it was an Apollo thing. His children gave off a sunshine-y vibe that energized those around them.

Because he was the sunshine-y one. As much as John tried to deny it, John was definitely the sunshine-y one.

"Your hands are so warm." Alex said. "It feels like you just got back from the beach and showered to get the sunscreen off then fell asleep with no blanket because the sunburn is keeping you warm."

"I think it's an Apollo thing." John smirked. "'I've got a sunset in my veins.'"

"I don't think sunset is the right description. I think sunshine runs through your veins instead of blood."

"'I shoot sunshine into my veins. I can't remember the good old days.'"

Alex raised an eyebrow.

"It's a song." John said. "I'm reciting song lyrics."

"Another Apollo thing." Alex smiled.

"It must be exhausting to be Apollo. He's in charge of so many things. The sun, medicine, archery, poetry, a bunch of other things I'm probably forgetting. How does he stay so sunshine-y? I'd be stressed all the time if I was in charge of that many things."

"Apollo doesn't strike me as one to get stressed. He's probably just vibing in his sun chariot sipping a cocktail and blasting salsa music."

"A cocktail! Drinking and driving is illegal!"

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