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Trigger warning: death mention, sex mention

A/N: What's your favorite flavor doughnut? Mine is chocolate! 

John Laurens didn't get angry very often.

The Stoll brothers' pranks made him laugh.

He found Clarisse's taunts amusing.

It took a lot to get John angry, but when he did get angry, it wasn't pretty.

The last time John had gotten angry, Chiron had needed to buy three new tables for the Dining Pavilion.

There weren't many things that could make John angry, but ungrateful people were definitely one of them.

John stormed through the forest. He could hear Alex calling his name, but he didn't care. He didn't even look back over his shoulder. He didn't care if he hurt his feelings. He just wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

He couldn't believe it.

Alexander Hamilton was one of the most powerful demigods in existence. He had powers most demigods could only dream of having. He could control the winds. He could summon lightning bolts and shoot sparks from his hands. Hades, the motherfucker could fly if he put his mind to it.

But he didn't use them for seventeen years.

Because he "didn't like them."

Because he "didn't feel worthy of them."

Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit.

Ever since he'd arrived at Camp Half-Blood and wrapped his head around the whole "the Greek gods are real and they have children with mortals" thing, all John had wanted was to have powers.

When he'd gotten claimed, he'd prayed to Apollo every night that he would have a power.

His siblings had tried to console him. They'd told him that tons of demigods didn't have powers, that not having powers didn't make him any less of a demigod.

Yeah, John knew that not having powers didn't make him any less of a demigod. He knew that some of the most badass and famous demigods didn't have any powers. He'd made the mistake of bringing this up to Annabeth Chase, who'd proceeded to give him a three-hour lecture on Odysseus, a famous hero who hadn't had any special powers.

He'd appreciated the fact that she'd been trying to make him feel better, but he would have preferred if the pep talk had been two and a half hours shorter. Not that he told Annabeth this. He knew better than to interrupt Annabeth Chase when she started on one of her lectures. That girl seriously scared him.

But still, John couldn't help but feel like his lack of power made him unworthy. When people thought of demigods, they thought of people who could do crazy things like cause earthquakes or set things on fire. They thought of people like Alex, summoning lightning bolts and shooting sparks from their hands and controlling the winds. Nobody thought of someone like John, a boring teenager who was slightly better at archery than the average person.

When new campers arrived, they always asked the current campers the same question: "what can you do?" They were expecting him to do something cool, because they thought that all demigods could do something cool.

John always felt like an idiot when he confessed that he couldn't do anything cool.

He always felt their excitement fade, saw their facial expressions become bored.

He could almost hear them thinking "he's just one of the lame demigods."

John would have killed to have powers like Alex had. He would have fought any monster, completed any crazy quest, eaten any unpleasant food combination, if it meant that he could get some kind of power.

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