
386 27 142

Trigger warning: blood, violence, torture, demonic possession

Alexander Hamilton was an idiot.

An absolute fucking idiot.

Sparks were shooting from his hands, growing more intense by the second.

He heard John's footsteps behind him, heard his voice echoing through the trees.

Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid stupid.

Alex had just been about to kiss John Laurens, the boy who had saved his life, the son of Apollo with the freckles and the neon orange t-shirt and the bow and arrow and the ability to not be seduced by female demons with flaming hair and fangs.

But he'd ruined it.

He'd ruined it by turning into a malfunctioning set of fairy lights.

Dimly, Alex wondered if this had ever happened to Jupiter when he was young.

He pictured a young Jupiter making eye contact with Juno from across the road. He imagined Juno smiling and coming towards him. He imagined Jupiter shoving his hands into the pockets of his toga to try to hide the sparks shooting from his hands. He imagined her kissing him on the cheek at the end of their conversation, causing a thunderstorm to start out of nowhere. He imagined him laughing it off like it had nothing to do with him while silently wishing that his brother Pluto would make the ground open and swallow him up to spare him the embarrassment.

Nah. Jupiter didn't get flustered or embarrassed. He could control his powers perfectly. He was suave and flirtatious and capable of making every female in a ten mile radius swoon over him. He'd never started shooting off sparks during a kiss or accidentally started a thunderstorm because his crush kissed him.

Because he was a god. And gods were sexy and suave and charming and always had their shit together. They knew nothing of shame or embarrassment or the feeling of accidentally saying "you too" when the waiter tells you to enjoy your meal. That was part of being a god.

But for those unfortunate enough to be human, shame and embarrassment were a part of life.

Alex stopped running, forcing himself to take deep breaths.

He looked down at the sparks in his hands.

He tried to remember John's grounding techniques, the techniques he'd used to help Alex calm down the last time this had happened.

Name five things you see.

I see the trees around me. I see the grass beneath my feet. I see the stars in the sky above me. I see my very dirty boots. I see John's neon orange shirt in the distance.

Name four things you hear.

I hear the wind blowing through the trees. I hear the sound of my own breathing. I hear John's footsteps. I hear the sound of dogs barking in the distance.

Name three things you feel.

I feel the wind blowing through my hair. I feel the cool night air against my skin. I feel the ground beneath my feet.

Alex took a deep breath. He looked down at his hands.

The sparks were gone.


Alex looked up in time to see John running toward him.

Alex grinned, holding up his spark-free hands.

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