An unexpected turn of events

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The team better known as Team Sonic are continuing to find Nack and his crew who had stolen one of the 7 World Rings with Chip included.

Sonic: (Sigh) Finally! A new adventure... It's been a long time.

Shadow: Save your speech for later, Sonic. We've got to look for that World Ring.

Sonic: (Sigh) I know... Tails, got Nicole?

Tails: Yeah, here you go.

Sonic: Thanks. So Nic, which way do we go?

Nicole: We should take the forest.

Sonic: Okay, in this one?

Nicole: Yes.

Tails: C'mon, Shadow! Let's go! C'mon!

Shadow: I'm coming. I'm coming.

Team Sonic arrived in the forest.

Sonic: Hey Nic, are we getting closer or not?

Nicole: It's tricky in here! I'm trying to search for it!

Sonic: You better hurry, Nic! Is there gonna be a shortcut?

Nicole: If you want one, we have to take the bridge above the river.

Sticks: You mean, the old tree?

Nicole: Exactly.

Sticks: *Gulps*

Tails gaped his mouth open wide before Shadow closed the fox's mouth.

Sonic: Are you kidding me, Nic?!

Nicole: Unless you want to take a hiking trail.

Sonic: Hiking trail?!? Y'know what, let's take the old tree.

The other followed Sonic and Nicole to where the tree is. It took a few minutes before they arrived.

Sonic: Well, here we are. Now what?

Shadow: The World Ring... I can feel it.

Nicole: Same here! It's not so high but I can feel it.

Sticks: Tails, I'm scared...

Tails: It's okay, sis, we're all near you.

Sticks: T-thanks, bro.

Sonic: Okay, let's walk slowly. I like doing things fast but even I like going slow when things are dangerous.

Team Sonic gets on the tree and follow Sonic's advice.

Tails: Who's shaking?!

Shadow: (Sees Sticks trembling) Sticks! Stop it, quick!

Sticks: B-b-b-but I-i'm s-s-sc-sca-ared..

Nicole: You might want to stop shaking, Sticks. Or the tree will break.

Team Sonic hears creaking and a crack from the tree.

Sonic: Uh oh...

A part of the tree fully breaks and Team Sonic falls from the break.

Team Sonic: Aahhhh!

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