The story of the True Queen

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Meanwhile, Amy was showing Team Sonic around the village, unlike what Fiona thought though, Sonic, Sticks and Shadow didn't like the fox queen's attitude.

Sonic: That red fox girl! Who does she think we are? Fools?!

Tails: Calm down, Sonic! You do know she's the Queen!

Sticks: No, but did you see that, bro? She completely made us out!

Shadow: They're both right. I think the Queen's shifty.

Tails: What can make you think about that?

Shadow: Her character.

Sonic: I'm with Shads! She's really rude!

???: Because it's who she is.

The group of friends had turned to see a white hedgehog with black markings near his eyes which are gold, peach skin, 5 quills on his head hiding his ears and 2 on the back of his head, like Shadow he has chest fur but it covers his neck. For attire, he wore white gloves with cyan circles with lines sticking out of the bottom leading to his golden bracelets accented in cyan. The tops of his boots are of a similar fashion with a red gem set in gold while the rest of his boots are navy blue, white, and cyan.

 The tops of his boots are of a similar fashion with a red gem set in gold while the rest of his boots are navy blue, white, and cyan

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Sonic: Uh, who are you?

Amy: Wait, I know him. Silver, right?

Silver: Yeah, and who're they?

Sonic: I'm Sonic and this Shadow, Tails, and Sticks.

Silver: Nice to meet you.

Tails: Same here.

Sticks: Hi.

Shadow: And what do you mean 'it's who she is'?

Amy: Well...

Silver: 'Queen' Fiona wasn't the Queen back then.

Sonic: What? Then, who was the real queen?

Amy: She's my biological mother: Rouge the Bat.

Silver: She was the ruler of Angel Island and actually the consort.

Tails: Consort?

Sonic: So your Dad was the one from the royal family here? Right, Ames?

Amy: Exactly.

Silver: And that's not all. She's strong, powerful, and brave with a heart of gold for her family.

Tails and Sonic: Whoa...

Sticks: Ooh...

Shadow: What happened? Did they have a dispute or something?

Silver: What? No! They didn't!

Amy: He's right, Mother and Father were best friends since their childhood. It's just...

Silver: *Sighs* Let me and Amy tell you the story. (In flashback narrating) They were fine with each other and both loved their families. But then...

Fiona: Queen Rouge, Queen Rouge!

Rouge: (Looks at Fiona but in a silhouette) Fiona? What's wrong?

Fiona: (Kneels and pants) My Lady Queen... We have... A... Problem...

Rouge: What is it?

Fiona: Go to the forest and see for yourself!

Rouge: Tell all the guards to be all around the castle and you will guide me to the forest.

Fiona: Yes ma'am.

Amy: Mother, are you sure you want to go?

Rouge: I better, Amy. Like that everything will be fine.

Amy: Okay.

Rouge: And don't worry, Knuckles, I'll be okay. I can handle myself just fine.

Knuckles: Alright...

Rouge: I'll be back soon. (Walks away) You and Amy are in charge until I get back.

Knuckles: *Sighs*

Silver: (Narrates) Rouge and Fiona walked to the forest to see what the problem was. But then...

Knuckles: ...

Amy: (Narrates) Father and I asked Fiona where Mother is. And...

Knuckles and Amy: (In flashback) *Tears up and cries* (Flashback ends)

Silver: She was... Dead...

All of Team Sonic except Sonic himself were in shock.

Amy: She was in a house and it exploded.

Sonic: I don't trust any of those words.

Tails: Sonic...

Sonic: If you said she was strong, powerful and brave, then she could've survived. So what do you guys think? Are you with me or not?

Shadow: I think your right.

Sonic: Tails? Sticks?

Tails: Well, if you think so, we'll come along.

Sticks: Yeah!

Sonic: Alright! Let's go find her.

Amy: Even if she was, she should've come back already!

Sonic: Hey, dead or alive, we'll find her.

Shadow: It's just how we roll.

Silver: Good luck and be careful.

Sonic: We will. (Walks of with the rest of the team)

Amy: Goodbye.

Unbeknownst to them, Jet was spying on them the whole time.

Jet: ...

The green hawk uses his hoverboard to tell Fiona of what had happened.

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