At Blaze's cottage

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Team Sonic, Blaze, and Rouge are now in Blaze's cottage to get some rest but Rouge, she's not so cooperative. It's small on the outside but big on the inside with a waterwheel and some wind monitors.

 It's small on the outside but big on the inside with a waterwheel and some wind monitors

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Blaze: C'mon, Rouge. You need to get some sleep.

Shadow: She's right. You need to rest.

Rouge cries silently until she finally falls asleep.

Blaze: Finally. Now, where will 4 sleep?

Shadow: We'll take the couch. C'mon, you Prowers.

The 3 walk off to the couches but Blaze notices Sonic isn't with them.

Blaze: Where's that blue one?

Sonic: (Outside, looking at the stars) ...

Blaze: (Comes from behind) Hi. What're doin' here alone.

Sonic: Me: nothing, just thinking...

Blaze: You should get some rest. It's late.

Sonic: I know...

Blaze: ... (Helps Sonic up) Here, let me give you a hand.

Sonic: Uh... Thanks.

They both notice how close they were.

Blaze: (Shyly, Blushes)  Uh... M-my pleasure.

Sonic: (Turns away and snickers)

Blaze: By the way, who are you?

Sonic: Oh, right, (Chuckles) Sonic the Hedgehog. And you are?

Blaze: I-I'm Blaze the Cat.

Sonic: Nice to meet you. Oh, almost forgot. Where you goin' to sleep?

Blaze: It's alright, I know where to go.

Sonic: Okay, well, goodnight. (Walks to the cottage)

Blaze: (In her mind, blushes) The way he looked at me...!

And so the 6 go get some rest for tomorrow with a new goal: to stop The Evil Queen Fiona and get not only the kingdom back but Knuckles and Amy as well.

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