Queen Rouge the Bat: Part 1

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Team Sonic are now unconscious somewhere the Babylon Rouges call the prison.

Sonic: (Awakens) Oww... My head... (Looks up and sees he's in a cave made of crystals)

 (Looks up and sees he's in a cave made of crystals)

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Sonic: Where... Am I?

Shadow: (Awakens) Uh... Sonic?

Sticks: (Awakens) Ohh... Man.

Tails: (Awakens) Ugh...

Sonic: Boys! Sticks!

Shadow: Where are we?

Sonic: I don't know.. (Sighs) If Nicole was still here, she'll tell us where we are.

Tails: I miss her...

Shadow: Us too, Tails. Us too... Father is going to kill me.

A flash of light brings Sticks' attention.

Sticks: Watch out!

All males: Huh?

Sonic: (Gets kicked by a cloaked figure) Oof! (Lands on ground hard) Oww...

???: (Femininely voice) Now, it is time to end you!

Shadow: An enemy?

Sonic: (Stands up) She might be working for Fiona!

Shadow: You're right, let's get her!

They both battle the unknown figure.

???: (Gets hit by Sonic) Ugh! (Teleports)

Sonic: Huh... Where she go?

???: (Reappears behind Sonic and kicks him)

Shadow: Alright lady, you have 30 seconds to tell us who you are and what you guys are planning to do!

???: You're the one to tell! Not me!

Shadow: (Kicks her) Take this!

???: (Teleports behind Shadow) Chaos Spear! (Hits Shadow) And I don't work for anyone!

Sticks: Ahem! Excuse me!

Tails: You might be strong but, not with all of us!

???: (Surprised to see Tails' tails) What in the world?

Sonic: (Attacks her with Sticks Bo Staff but she teleports away and reappears in a different location) Well, if you don't work for anyone, then how come you're here!?

???: You guys are responsible!

Sonic: Oh yeah? And stop teleporting and fight like a woman for a moment? (Gets kicked by her) Ow!

???: (Grabs the Bo Staff)

Sonic: (Growls) Fine! Ya know I can beat you! With or without-!

???: (Hits Sonic with the staff and drops it) Hmph! Amateurs.

Shadow: (Battles her) Listen up, you girl, we don't want trouble, we just want to get out of here!

???: Don't play dumb with me! You guys are the ones who put me in this place. Pretty lovely, but bad.

Shadow: What- No- We- Argh! We don't work for Queen Fiona!

???: Wait, (Eyes reveal themselves to be turquoise-green) did you say 'Queen Fiona'!?! The red and yellow fox with blue eyes, black suit, and yellow bow?

Shadow: So, you know each other.

Sonic: (Awoke a few minutes ago) We don't think she's the real queen and we're looking for the real Queen: Rouge the Bat!

???: Fiona... And I trusted her... Darn it!!

Shadow: And I have a question: Who are you?

???: I am Queen Rouge the Bat, Queen Consort of Angel Island and mother of Amy Rose.

Sticks: ... Sorry, but we don't believe you.

Sonic: If you want us to believe, then prove it.

The figure the goes up to the latch of the cloak which reveals she has white elbow-length gloves with pink cuffs. As the latch is out, she slides the cloak to reveal her true shape: A slender, curvy, white fur that's on the head, tan skin on her muzzle, the inside of her ears, on her arms and chest, female bat with teal-green eyes. She has large pointy ears, small fangs, a small black nose on the muzzle, a short tail, and a pair of dark purple wings on her back. She wore blue eye-shadow on her eyelids and pink lipstick on her lips. She wore a skintight, black, sleeveless catsuit with a pink, heart-shaped chestplate with white trim revealing her chest, and long white knee-high high-heeled boots with pink cuffs and feature hearts on the toes. What made the others notice she was really the Queen, was the small golden circlet with pink jewels on her head. This made the boys gape at her and Sticks faint.

 This made the boys gape at her and Sticks faint

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Rouge: Does this prove you?

Shadow: S-she is! She isn't kidding at all!

Sonic: (Gasp and steps back) You're the real Queen?!

Tails: Everyone thought you were dead!

Rouge: That's what they thought. I believed Fiona but.. I think I was wrong. She took my kingdom!

Sticks: (Who awoke) And when you were in your kingdom, how was it between Fiona and Knuckles?

Rouge: Well, Fiona always dawdled with him.

Shadow: I hate to break it to you, but she didn't just want the kingdom but your family too.

Rouge: (Breaks crystal and cries) Darn it! I can't believe it... (Walks off) She'll pay for this!

Sonic: (Holds her arm to stop her) Wait! You don't know how to get out of here! And before that, can you tell us what happened and how you got here?

Rouge: ... Okay, I'll tell you everything.

And so Team Sonic finally found Queen Rouge and she will tell them what happened to her and how she was in the cave. 

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