Queen Rouge the Bat: Part 2

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Continuing the story: Team Sonic found Queen Rouge and want to know what happened to her and how she was captured.

Days ago...

Rouge: (Narrating) When I was in the forest with Fiona, I was trying to find the problem. A few hours later, I didn't find anything. No news, no prints, nothing. When it was almost evening, I told Fiona... (In flashback) It's getting late, we better go back to the castle.

Fiona: (In flashback) Your Highness, we've got to search for it again before it's too late.

Rouge: (In flashback) ... (Hears something)

Wave, Storm, and Jet appear.

Rouge: (In flashback) Who are you?!

Jet: (In flashback) I think you should quit talking.

Wave: (In flashback) Night-night.

Rouge: (In flashback) Night-night?

Fiona: (In flashback, knocks Rouge unconscious) Alright, put her in a place where nobody can find her.

Jet: (In flashback) Yes ma'am. (Takes Rouge and walks away with Wave and Storm)

Fiona: (In flashback) Now, Rouge, all of your stuff is mine, now! And your family too.

At the cave...

Rouge: (In flashback, awakens at the same cave) Where... Am I?

Fiona: (In flashback, communicating with the crystals via her powers) The Caves of Crystals, originally home to greedy people who wanted to take the gems for themselves... And now... Your prison.

That made Rougw realize it was all a trap and she was imprisoned where no one could find her.

Rouge: (In flashback, cries) You're a monster!

Fiona: (In flashback) Not anymore, I'm a Queen. (Cackles)

Rouge: (In flashback) I was a fool to think that you could be deemed.

Years of your lies rot your heart, and I'm too late it seems.

Your plan will fail and you will be the one in jail.

I'll get free and save them from your false monarchy!

Fiona: (In flashback) I guess it pays.

Rouge: (In flashback) It never pays to be.

Fiona: (In flashback) To be the villain.

Rouge: (In flashback) Consumed by hate and greed.

Fiona: (In flashback) It's all mine!

Rouge: (In flashback) You'll never know what love feels like.

Fiona: (In flashback) I disagree.

Rouge: (In flash back) Or the power that it brings.

Fiona: (In flashback) My people love me.

Rouge: (In flashback) You don't deserve those wings.

Fiona: (In flashback) Oh, please.

Fiona and Rouge: (In flashback) You have never known how true power feels.

Rouge: (In flashback) Why can't you see what you have done? Stop this era.

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