A forest rest

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Team Sonic continue to find Rouge and keep away from Fiona.

Shadow: C'mon, you guys! We got to hurry!

Sonic: Shads! Can't we take a break?

Sticks: He's right, we're tired...

Shadow: We need to find Rouge and fast! (Looks into the sky) Hmm?

The sky is becoming dark because of the sunset.

Shadow: It's almost night.

Sonic: Shadow...

Sticks: Tails fell asleep.

Shadow: Looks like we have to camp for the night.

A fire is lit and the team sit in a circle.

Sticks: You think we're gonna find her?

Sonic: (With Tails on his lap) I'm sure we will. Well, it's my hope...

Shadow: Yeah... I hope Nicole's okay.

Sonic: (Looks up at the sky and sighs) Nicole... Where are you...

Shadow: It's ok, Sonic. We'll look for her tomorrow.

Sonic: Alright... If we even can...

Shadow: We will. Well, I better get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.

Sticks: Right.

Shadow: *Yawn* Night...

Sticks: Night, boys. (Cuddles Shadow)

Sonic: Night, Sticks.

Shadow and Sticks fall asleep with Sonic still awake.

Sonic: ... (Falls asleep)

The next day...

Sonic: (Awakens and looks at Tails who still asleep) ... Huh? She's gone! Sticks! Where are you?! (Hears shrubs moving) Sticks?

Sticks: (Comes out of the bushes and walks to Sonic)

Sonic: (Sighs) Where were you?

Sticks: Just trying to find Nicole.

Sonic: I see... Any news?

Sticks: No.

Tails and Shadow yawn.

Shadow: Morning.

Sonic: Hey guys. Tails, how you feeling?

Tails: Better.

Shadow: Great!

Sticks: C'mon, Let's go.

Team Sonic runs off to continue their search. 

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