A new land

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Team Sonic were unconscious because of their fall with the old tree.

Sonic: (Awakens) What... What happened? (Sits up) And where am I? *Gasps* Boys! Sticks!

Shadow: (Awakens)

Sonic: Shads! You okay?

Shadow: *Groans* I'm fine... Where are we?

Sonic: (Shrugs) Not a clue...

Tails and Sticks: (Awakens)(*Groans*

Tails: My head... Nice going, sis.

Sticks: Sorry, boys.

Sonic: Tails! Sticks! You guys okay?

Tails and Sticks: Yeah.

Shadow: But, what is this place?

Sonic: Only one way to find out. Hey, Nic. Can you- (Gasp) Nicole! Where is she?!

Shadow: Don't tell me you dropped her when we fell...

Sonic: (Gasp* Ugh, I'm so stupid!

Tails: Ooh.

Sticks: It's so beautiful...

Sonic: No, it's not, it's awful!

Shadow: (Turns to what Tails and Sticks are seeing) Wow...

Sonic: Not "Wow"! "Oh no"! Do you guys know we just lost Nicole? Without her, we're doomed! And it's all my fault!

Sticks: Sonic, look!

Sonic: At what?! Someone trying to attack us?! (Sees what his friends are seeing) Oh... It's so... (Sees a lovely palace)

 (Sees a lovely palace)

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Sonic: Beautiful!

Shadow: Feeling better?

Sonic: Yeah, a little...

Tails: How about we check the castle from the inside?

Shadow: Good idea! What do you think, Sonic?

Sonic: Yeah. C'mon, let's go to the castle!

Sonic and Shadow head to the castle.

Tails: (In his mind) But... What about Nicole?

Sticks: Hey, wait for us! 

Tails and Sticks follow the hedgehog duo and they all arrive at the castle.

Sonic: Well, here we are! C'mon!

The team tries to go in but are stop by 2 guards.

The team tries to go in but are stop by 2 guards

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Dog guard: Hey, you!

Sonic: Huh?

Gorilla guard: Stay out of the castle, strangers!

Sticks: Yikes... They're so scary...

Sonic: Listen, only we wanna visit. Can we get in?

Gorilla guard: No! Get out of here!

Tails: This isn't working.

Shadow: Listen up, we're from another place! So we're coming in to meet your ruler so we can find out where we are!

Dog and Gorilla: ...

Gorilla: Fine, you can enter for meeting the Queen fox, King echidna and Princess hedgehog.

Sonic: King echidna, Queen fox, and hedgehog Princess?

Shadow enters in with Tails and Sticks.

Sonic: Hey! Wait up! (Goes after the others)

Dog: (To the gorilla) Simian?

Simian: Yeah?

Dog: I think we better keep an eye on them.

Simian: Yeah, we won't let them stick their noses into Queen Fiona's business.

As the guards were chatting, the team didn't hear them and went off to meet the royals.

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