Finale Part 2: The end of the line

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Coming from the last part, everyone was shocked at Fiona and how she was with the villains from the start.

Fiona: It's all still mine! *Cackles*

Blaze: She cheated, how could she...

Blaze is shocked to see Sonic as werehog so angry.

Sonic: *Howls* Now, you'll pay! (Punches an really big rock)

Knuckles realized he's free and runs off somewhere.

Fiona: Huh? (Sees the rock heading towards her) Gyah! (Teleports before the rock could hit her)

Sonic: (To Rouge) Hey, you okay?

Shadow: Nothing's lost! You need to continue the fight!

Rouge: I'm too weak to battle... But if Fiona disrespects the rules, then so will I! I'm counting on you 5 with Amy, Silver and Charmy to beat her.

Amy: (Takes out a large red and yellow hammer) Let's do it. Hey, Fiona!

Fiona: Huh?

Sonic: If you think you'll go too far: guess again!

Fiona: You won't really fight me, will you?

Silver: Sorry lady, but you already cheated! Now, it's our turn to do the same.

Fiona: Hmph!

Team Sonic, Amy, Silver, and Charmy battle Fiona all until she's tired.

Fiona: Maybe, I'm down, but I won't give up. (Prepares to battle) It's time to- (Get punched in the stomach) Oof!!

The group of friends were so shocked that Sonic turned back to normal.

Fiona: Ugh... Who... Did that...

Fiona sees Knuckles really angry that Fiona lied to him and his family and she's scared.

Fiona: K-Knuckles. I... I can explain...

Knuckles: (Slaps Fiona and holds her by the collar) You... Lied to me... You lied to everyone... You should be ashamed! (Releases his grip on Fiona and throws her to the ground) And you lost, Fiona. The main rule of the land is that the rules are respected. And you don't respect them at all!

Everyone on stage except Sonic and Shadow are shocked at Knuckles' short-temper and anger.

Knuckles: (Calms down) Rouge... (Runs over to her) Rouge, darling, are you okay?

Rouge: (Hugs him and Amy) I'm fine, don't worry. about me, hun.

Amy: (In tears) Where were you, Mommy? We were so worried about you!

Rouge: Shhh... Calm down, it's over. Oh, my little flower, how I've missed you and your father so much.

Charmy: Heroes; Won, Fiona; Lose.

Guards come in and it's revealed that Knuckles went to get some help.

Blaze: The guards! Knuckles must've sent them!

Guard 1: Queen Rouge! It's good to have you back.

Rouge: I know. Take Fiona's associates and put them in the dungeon.

Fiona: And me?

Rouge: You're sentenced to immediate death.

Fiona: What!?! 

Guard 2: Alright, It's over, girl. (Tries to take her put is too quick)

Fiona: No! I will have order! Everything!! Lands, the world, the universe. I will have-

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