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they aren't supposed to meet, he wasn't supposed to see her, she was meant to be in the shadows and watch over him, he on the other hand should never know about his true nature and with her around and their feelings for each other, it might ruins everything.

i can't just sit around and do nothing, they can't just destroy the balance that i, my self have trying so hard to maintain just because they fall in love with each other without knowing the consequences.

he isn't just a mere human and she wasn't just his guardian angel, no one knows the truth about him being the child of the fallen angel or mundane these days called him Lucifer.

let me tell you a story about the great evil Lucifer first.

he was born as an angel, but unlike his other siblings, he was rebellious, and God himself punished him for his rebellious act.

most people thought Lucifer was condemned to earth for his punishment, no he was condemned to hell, the very place that even worse than earth.

he has to torture those tainted souls, and those whose sin can't be forgiven.

as time goes, Lucifer started to feel empty and bored in hell, so he roamed the earth.

his visit to the planet earth got him fond of it, he grow fond of how humans are proud to make a bad decisions, he loves  how humans are so easy to be tempted and finally fall to temptation, and so he decided to open one hell of a club on earth, specifically in LA.

(a/n: y'all know where do i get this references right? 😅😂 it's from the Netflix original series Lucifer)

it was a one fine day on earth, Lucifer was in a good mood after having a delightful night with not 1 but 2 gorgeous  young women, but being the devil that He was, it didn't satisfied him, they always fall easily to his trap.

He wants challenge, and that challenge happened to be this beautiful Korean woman in her 30's, her beauty caught his eyes but what drawn him to her wasn't her beauty, it's her ability to see his true colour, his true self.

"oh my god, you are the devil."

that was the first thing that came out of her mouth, so of course it startled him, he tried to compelled her but he failed, and that makes him even more curious of who she is, and the more he is curious about her, she became his muse and he got infatuated by her.

she became the only thing in his mind 24/7, and so she became his weakness.

with a little effort and time, she started to feel what she shouldn't, she fell for the devil.

the devil was in love, and his love for her drove him even crazier, he wanted to claim her to be completely his, he thought by completing the mating process they can be one, but he was wrong.

she was born in a family line where they hunt evil creatures, so their love has always been forbidden, she was conflicted by her pregnancy, the baby that she carried was a devil baby and if Lucifer knew it means she has to be with him for the rest of her life, and that means she had to bend her moral over and over again just to be with him and she doesn't want that, sure she loves him, and the love that they had was very passionate for each other and it consumed her.

their love was so strong and passionate that her family started to grow suspicious about him, and threatened his  safety, knowing that her love was in danger she made a deal with her family that she will leave him for good, and that's exactly what she did, she broke his heart in two.

he was left broken and oblivious about his baby, his heir, and he became ruthless after his heart was broken by her.

he left the earth, without turning back, but Lord knows about the baby so he ordered me to stay on the planet earth to keep an eye of the baby.

"he shall never know about his heir, it could endanger human kind, that baby shall be protected and shall never know about his power and his true nature."

every supernatural creature has a mate, and Ariel was his mate, the greatest Lord make her seems like his guardian angel to keep him on his humanity, and the story about an angel and human fell in love was never true, it was the devil who fell in live with a human and Kim Taehyung was his greatest creation.

i, Min Yoongi was his actual guardian angel, not Ariel.

i, Min Yoongi was the one who knows everything, i was the one who served the devil.

"and thy Min Yoongi, shall be the one who keep the balance of nature, and to protect the human kind, by all means never let Kim Taehyung knows about his true nature."

but i was stupid enough to let Taehyung out of my sight, how could i let him fall to the sex demon, and let Ariel crossed the line between two dimension.

"what do you want from Taehyung?!"

i came to see the place where the demon attempted to seduce him.

"i see, i have come to your attention, I'm a sex demon Yoongi, seducing is one of my specialty, besides I'm just doing what my human needs from me and getting the price that she promised, a healthy good looking young man and a virgin one at that, so of course he was a gold deal for me."

"stay away from him, or so help me i will send you back to hell and you won't like it this time."

"oh is that so?"

i turned around just to find the demon smirking at me, a smirk of victory i must say.

"but what would happen if the Devil him self knows about his heir?"

"don't you dare!" i growled as i choked her and crush her joints, "oh you are into choking i see, you are pretty kinky, and hot i like it." she says as she moans to my touch, she makes me feel sick so i crushed her and suffocated her.

"okay, okay, i will stay away." she says as she begged on her knees asking for me to let her go, but i know better.

"oh you will." i said as i take out my beautiful stone.


"good bye sweetheart." i told her as i put her filthy soul into the stone that held a lot of vicious soul.

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now