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Taehyung POV

we've been sitting in my living room for almost an hour now, contemplating that should she wear my clothes or just stood naked when Jimin is around.

"ugh, what's wrong with my appearance anyway?"

"have you ever seen a human with a rapunzel hair in real life? and being naked in front of a guest isn't exactly a human thing to do."

she just rolled her eyes at me, annoyed with the fact that I'm trying to dress her up just in case that Jimin can see her, i wouldn't want to have my best friend freaked out over a naked supernatural creature in my apartment.

"okay first of all I'm not naked! second of all, I'm not human!"

technically she isn't completely naked but her clothing is so thin that i barely see a fabric, all i see is just her long ass hair, covering her upper body.

"yeah well i know but i can't just tell him the truth, let's just hope he can't see you okay?"

i throw her a decent clothing for her to wear.

"wear this."

she took it and immediately put it on to her body.

"aren't you going to change in the bathroom?"

she just look even more confused, right i forgot she is an angel, she doesn't know anything about being embarrassed or that changing in front of opposite sex isn't a good idea.

"you know what, I'll just have my tea, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me okay?" i said as i left her immediately.

"hey, so when will Jimin be here?"

i turned around just to find her only in my blouse, wow she looks effortlessly beautiful.

"uhh, in 15 minutes."

she just seat in the corner of my table and play with her hair, like nothing happened, i guess it was normal for her to just seat anywhere she wants to, i couldn't see her before, she is used to being invisible.

"so umm, what should i call you? do you have a name?"

"Ariel." i smiled at her responds, "do you want something to eat?"

she just blinked her eyes, i guess she never thought that she would be in a situation where she had to make a decision like this.

"I'm not hungry."

"oh ok, um Ariel, do you feel pain?"

she just look at me, thinking hard as she doesn't know what to answer.

"i never really feel pain, if you got hurt i feel angry, i don't know everything that i feel is because of you, i told you my life purpose is to protect you, so i never really thought about how i feel before."

I'm happy that she lives to protect me, that she exists to makes sure I'm safe from any danger, but her answer also makes me sad.

everything she does, she does it for me, i feel the need to hug her and so i did.

"what are you doing?" she was taken by surprise at my action.

"giving you affection and thanking you for looking out for me."

she pulled out from my embrace, "don't do that again Tae." she said as her cheeks redden, "ahh why?" i pouted.

"just don't"  whatever I'll do it again and eventually she will get used to it.

the bell to my door started to ring, that means Jimin is here.

"come on in" Jimin just entered my apartment like usual, this is it the moment of truth.

he made his way to the living room, he sit his ass down to the couch, right next to Ariel.

i see, he can't see her then, she was looking at him the whole time figuring out if he can see her or not, now she just look at me and giving me a face of relief.

"Tae come here, i miss you!" Jimin said as i sit right next to him, cuddling with him.

"i miss you too chimchim"

Jimin and i have been friends since we were in highschool, that's why we are very comfortable and can be very affectionate with each other, we both are the touchy type of person and very affectionate with people that we care about.

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now