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"you shall take care of him, and you shall do whatever it takes to keep him alive."

and I'm doing it quiet well, from the moment he was born, i have shared a connection with him, he is my human, my obligation is to protect him from the death.

I'm his angel sent from the above to look after him.

until his time has come that's when my work is done.

i have always been there, going through everything, his puberty, his first heart break, i have seen everything.

he has always been beautiful, he is a sight for sore eyes.

watching him smile was the best part from my job, it's like the whole world instantly lit up.

no wonder God really took hours when He made him, he grew up to be a beautiful human being inside out.

Kim Taehyung, what a beautiful human being that you are, but how reckless can this man get?

"seriously, Taehyung, use your eyes when you walk across the street! eyes on the road! not that square thingy on your hands that lit up every minutes."

i know he can't hear me, but this is how it has always been for the past 25 years, me looking out for him, and him being so reckless about his surrounding, just now he almost got hit by a car, and if it wasn't for me he would have had a scratch on his beautiful face from falling.

"do you want to die?!" i can hear the driver yelling at him, he was surprised as he took off his whatever it is that stuck on his ear, "oh God, I'm so sorry." he bow as he put his phone inside his pocket and became more aware of his surroundings.

"now that's what I'm talking about my guy!"

this is his everyday habit, he has a photoshoot since he is a model, and then he went home to this apartment that he bought from his own money, such an independent man.

he would took off his shoes and took off his coat put it on the hanger, and then he would sit on his couch, playing with that thing on his hands that almost got him killed because he was too focused on it than his surroundings, apparently it's a communication device that connect everyone and can help human stay connected even though they are far from each other, they called it smartphone.

"argh! Jeon Jungkook! i will beat you next time!" 

it's so interesting to watch him get all cute and mad over his best friend, because they are in this some sort of battle, he is so focused on his own world, he got this strong cute expression on his face whenever he was serious about something and it's so adorable.

i would just put my chin on his shoulder to watch whatever it is he is doing on his smartphone, he can't touch me, but i can.

he groaned as he got up from his seat and move to his kitchen, "hmm, what do i have? ramyeon? eggs? well i guess I'm having ramyeon today."

for 25 years i have watched him, one thing that i have noticed from him is that his lips would go pouty whenever he eats and chew his food.

"is it delicious?" it looks delicious, ugh humans have the best food out of all the creatures in the world.

he looks satisfied with his food, i guess that's answer my question then.


"i want to make you mine~"

not just beautiful, he is also blessed with a beautiful voice too, listen to him singing and humming to a song every time he took a shower is a blessing for me, i mean my ears are blessed and so are my eyes, his golden smooth skin is glistening under the light from the bathroom lamp, ugh what a sight.

"oh, i have a visitor on my face"  he mumbled, "welcome my friend." he said to his small pimple under his lips and cheeks, he has a very unique personality, most humans would be panicking whenever they see a pimple on their face, this man welcome them like they are his friends, it's weird but in a cute way.

not long after he has his shower, his door bell was ringing, that must be Jimin his neighbor/ best friends/ soulmate bringing him his beloved puppy Yeontan, since he ran a pet shop and is fond of Yeontan, Taehyung would have Yeontan over Jimin's place because he has work to do and can't bring his puppy to his work as a model, and Jimin being a good best friends that he is, would welcome Yeontan anytime.

i got to admit, Yeontan is a cute pup, but this dog is so annoying, because it can see me, and he would stare at me sometimes like I'm some sort of a strange creatures, and would bark at me at the middle of the night, didn't help the fact that his owner is a scaredy cat and believe in ghost, he think his apartment is haunted because Yeontan would always bark at my direction which is right beside Taehyung.

at night my wings would glow in the dark and i guess that's something that little fur ball never used to see every night, Taehyung had Yeontan when he was 24, i still remember how Yeontan would bark at me and Taehyung would freaked out and call Jimin to convince him that his apartment isn't haunted and there is nothing for him to be worry about.

"Oh My God! tannie! shut up or no treats!"  yeah you tell him boy, stop barking at me I'm not a danger for you, if anything i live to protect you.

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