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Taehyung POV

"as a matter of fact i do! i know more than you think you do!"

i can't believe him, Yoongi hyung has always been my best buddies for almost 8 years know, he is like an older brother i never had but today he just dropped a bomb that i was left speechless.

"you are not a human Taehyung."

I look at Ariel, as she was just as confused as i am.

"no! what do you mean he isn't human? i have watched over him since he was born, i was there. he is human!"

Yoongi hyung just laughed at Ariel, "yeah? did you see any man standing next to his mom when he was born?"

"yes, as a matter of fact there is a man standing next to her holding her hand when she was in pain, I've seen it all, he was her husband."

"her husband, but not his father."

"ENOUGH!" i yelled, "don't do this to me hyung, not now."

"sorry Taehyung but that's the truth, your father is the devil."

there he said it, he dropped it, Ariel and i couldn't believe our ears, "t-the devil? Lucifer? the fallen angel?"

Yoongi hyung nodded, "but how?"

he looked at me as i was stood there, i don't know how to react.

"I'll tell you everything."


"oh Lord."

"now you know, you have to break up with her, both of you should end this."

"this is nonsense, i will not just end our relationship just because the world are better off without us being together, i won't! just because you thought i will not be able to control my self once the devil show him self to me, and that i am the key to the humanity, I'm their salvation against the devil. that's ridiculous."

"Tae maybe it's the best-"

"no baby, it's not!" i said sternly, Ariel and Yoongi hyung was surprised, he thought by knowing the truth i will step down and give up on Ariel and i, i won't.

"if you are that scared and concern about the human population so much, then teach me hyung, i will learn to control it, i will fight him and i will not let him destroy me."

"it won't be easy."

"i don't care, if i was born to be this way, i  have to learn, it's still part of me, i want to know more."


after one hell of an evening arguing with him, we have come to an agreement that Yoongi hyung will teach me more about my power, we will start tomorrow.

"are you sure, you can handle it?"

i turn around to her side as i spoon her and put her closer to my embrace, "i don't know, but i will do anything for us, i won't give up on us and i hope you won't too."

"he is called as the devil for a reason Tae, he is ruthless, he can kill you."

"I'm still his only heir."

"i don't know, something about you being his only heir doesn't sound comforting to me, what if he never wanted a child? what if he saw you as a threat instead of his heir?"

"whatever happens, please don't give up on us, no matter what Ari, i will fight for us and i need you to fight with me."


"besides, my mom was his weakness, my mom was the reason why he is this ruthless, if she can makes him this ruthless, she can changes him again, I'm sure she still has the same effect on him like she used to."

"how are you so sure?"

"because, i have what they had, i have a passionate and consuming love like they once have, with you, if one day you left me like my mom did to him, you will forever have the same effect on me as always, because that's just how important you are to me, you are my everything."

"i love you Tae."

"i love you too, Ari." i kissed her lips, those beautiful plump lips that drive me insane, "i want you." i said softly as i showered her neck with kisses, and found her sensitive spot, she moaned at our sensual interaction, that moan do so many things on me and she doesn't even know it.

and you know what happens after that 🌚🌚🌚🌚

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now