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I never knew he was a werewolf.

"hyung?" he looked as surprised when he saw me.

he didn't expect to be found by me in the middle of forest, naked and just shifted back from his wolf form.

"care to explain?" i asked him.

he sighed, as he put on his clothes and jeans.

"what's there for me to explain? I'm a werewolf."

"yes, I'm completely aware of that now, but how?"

"what do you mean how? i have always been one."

"how come i never notice this before?"

"i never told you about my kind, and i only shifted once in a month, every full moon."

"Jeon Jeongguk, in order for you to trigger your werewolf curse, you had to kill someone with your own hand. who did you kill?" i asked him as he stopped dead on his track.

"i killed my bully back in high school." he said, obviously regretting his actions.

"don't be too disappointed on your self, shit happens. besides you were born to be a werewolf, it bounds to happen."

"well i didn't want to be a murder! a monster!"

i chuckled at his reaction, "you can't really choose to not be something that you already are."

"why are you so calm? you just killed someone a few days ago hyung, how are you so fine with everything that just happened? don't you feel any guilt at all?"

"the Taehyung you knew? yes he feel that guilt and it's eating him alive, but me? I'm a killing machine, and i collect tainted souls, it's what i am."

"what do you mean the Taehyung i knew? hyung, what are you talking about?"

i smirked at him, "that's for me to know and for you to find out."


"YAH JEON JEONGGUK, WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG-" i turn around to find Kim Seokjin with his eyes as big as a ping pong ball.

obviously didn't expect me to be here in their territory.

"Taehyung?" he asked.

"let me guess, you both are in the same pack together?"

"yeah." Jeongguk said.

"so Jimin is the only one that is human between us?" i wondered.

"no, he isn't what you think he is."

"then what is he?"

"a 1000 years old vampire that's what i am."

oh well, i guess people that i knew of are just as dangerous as i am.

"how come i never knew this before?"

I've been friends with them for so many years, to find out that they are not human all these times surprised me.

"because we thought you were just a common witch who had no idea who you really are, so we never wanted you to know our true colours before, scared that you might run from us, fear us. none of us knew that you are son of the devil."

Jimin explained,

"that you are turned out to be the most dangerous one between us."

"you are a vampire but you went to Church?" he laughed at my question.

"oh well, it's not like they know who i am, they are all drooling over my beauty and easily fooled by my charm, plus it's fun to visit that House of God full of pretty virgins all ready to lose their v card for me, and when they found out who i am, they begged me to turned them."

''you are fucked up." i said as he scoffed.

"i have their consent at least."

"then why are you so concern when i killed that priest? and why are you so surprised? and your mom? is she even your mom?"

he laughed again.

"it's part of my role Tae, to be the civil, good looking Christian dude in the area, i had to show as if i cared, and when i called you? i knew you had a good time with Ariel, i just want to screw around."


"oh and she isn't my mom obviously she is just a lady in her 40's that i turned her to be a vampire 40 years ago when i came to this town and compelled her to be my mom, I'm the original vampire the very last one of my kind to walk on this earth, an original can compelled another vampire."

"then why are you so nice to me before?"

"to be honest, i knew you are a witch and for 1000 years I've lived on this earth, life or dead witches are pain in the ass, so of course i don't want to be on your bad side. i tried to be friendly with you and i figured you didn't even know that you are a witch."

"you really fooled me with your innocent charm Chim." i said as he looked at me this time he smiled genuinely.

"i never fooled you taetae, you have always been my best friend."

"aren't you supposed to be the devil among us Tae? how could you be fooled by this dwarf vampire?" Jeongguk asked this time, just to make fun of Jimin height all over again.

"i didn't even knew i was the son of the devil until a few months ago. I'm a beginner demon." i joked.

"shut it Jeongguk, I'm 1000 years older than you, you better watch it." Jimin said as Jeongguk only snorted.

"my bite still lethal to your kind Jimin, one bite from me and you are in for a ride to hell for few days. you knew it better than anyone." he said as Jimin rolled his eyes.

"that bite was unnecessary! it was hell Jeongguk."

"you pissed me off." Jeongguk defend him self as Seokjin just laughed at Jimin annoyed face.

"Seokjin hyung, you owe me an explanation." he sighed as he nod and started to tell his story.

"I'm the healer of this pack." he says, no wonder he is so good at healing the others, i thought he was just a common doctor.

he triggered his cursed because he accidentally killed someone in a car accident he caused 4 years ago.

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now