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I don't know how things started to crumble, but i witnessed it with my own eyes his power was like none other, the horns are now visible, it's growing on top of his forehead, must be hurts, i never had horns before but i heard it is just as painful as having your wings grow.

his beautiful brown eyes turned into a black one, deep like an infinite hole, cold like an ice, it gives you an eerie feelings when he stares at you for too long, well in my case it wasn't me who he aimed for, it's for the middle age man who tried to grope me multiple times and fail.

the man didn't stop there, he started to call me names and Taehyung doesn't like it at all, at first Taehyung warned him in the most human way that's possible but he keep testing his patience by throwing a fit on Taehyung beautiful face, that angered me so i slapped the bastard and he lost his front teeth right after i slapped him.

instead of giving it up or ask for an apology, the asshole choked me and that's when Taehyung went off, he growled "get your hands off her"

"or what?" he asked challenging a very angry Taehyung, and without a word Taehyung grabbed his neck from behind with full power, the veins on his hands are finally on display, his voice got 10x deeper than usual and his eyes turned black, if i wasn't an angel to begin with i would have fainted with this Taehyung in front of me, but i have seen worse.

"man what the fuck?!" the middle age man screamed for his life, "i told you to leave her alone, but you didn't listen."

i swear i can hear some bone cracks, until Yoongi got into the room, "TAEHYUNG, LET THAT MAN GO." like a wind what Yoongi says goes unnoticed by Taehyung and now he is only focusing on his anger, Yoongi can't let Taehyung killed someone not now, not ever, so he pushed Taehyung to the ground, "what the fuck hyung?!"

"no! what the fuck Tae?!" the man passed out right after he fell off Taehyung's grip, "if you kill that man, you will lose your humanity and you don't want that!" Taehyung only sighs "can i at least punch him?" Yoongi rolled his eyes unamused and annoyed with Taehyung childish behavior.

"is that necessary?"

"he put his hands on Ariel, it is necessary!" he argued back, Yoongi widen his eyes and think "fine, one punch and don't forget to compelled him! remember what i taught you!"

just right before he punched that man, he woke up and he was terrified of Taehyung, "your eyes was, your horns, what are you?!" he yelled as Taehyung took his step closer to the poor bastard, "one that you shall not be messed with." he says as he broke his nose and proceed to compelled him afterward.

"if you can't take a man trying to hurt Ariel like before, i don't think you can handle the devil.."

Taehyung just look down on his feet, "then what am i supposed to do? he touched her, and on top of that he hurted her, am i supposed to just sit around and do nothing?"

"you can punch him, just please for the love of God, do not kill him! any blood to be spilled under your hand, will cause a riot and you can lose your humanity."

"what happens if he lose his humanity?" i asked, "the human population will be wiped off, he will be thirsty for souls to torture and make an army out of miserable souls that he took, that's why we have to keep him sane and don't let him got triggered."

"i won't do it again i promise." Taehyung says, "you better not." Yoongi says, "or you can say goodbye to Ariel and your humanity."

fear was written on Taehyung face at the mention of losing me, "it's like a curse." Yoongi says, "your curse Taehyung, you can't let it be triggered."

"he won't, I'll make sure of it."

"we don't know where the Devil is now, he could be anywhere around us, and he could be anyone."

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now