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Ever heard about the saying that the devil has eyes and ears everywhere? that's why we have to be careful of what we are doing.

We never really know who is the devil, we can't trust anyone, we don't know the truth, who is who, the only thing that we can do is just to do whatever it takes to win and protect those we love most.

"he knows."

"what do you mean he knows Yoongi?!"

"i can't keep it from him anymore, he appeared to me with his soulmate hand in hand, claimed that they are in love and engaged, i had to tell him!"

"does that mean.."

"yes, Lucifer will know about his son whereabouts sooner or later."

"No! all these years I've tried to protect Luci from my family, i won't let them get him, not after what happened."

"you do know that Luci is the devil right? no one can kill him."

"yeah, but anyone can put him in a miserable life forever and i don't want that."

"you already did that to him anyways."

"no, he still has his freedom, but my people are vicious Yoongi, they can put him in a bottle forever, we aren't just a regular witch after all."

"don't they know about Taehyung being..."

"they don't, why do you think they let him live? they don't know, they thought Taehyung was my husband's."

"what are we supposed to do Yoongi?"

When we keep something hidden for a sake of someone's safety, we called it a white lies, but it is still a secret and a secret can't be buried forever, there must be someone out there who doesn't buy the white lies and has always been curious and trying to prove their point, and unfortunately that someone being Mr. Kim.

"i knew it, i knew he wasn't mine."

Mr. Kim is one of the most powerful witch, he has always been one with the bigger curiosity, since the day Taehyung was born Mr. Kim felt something odd from Taehyung, the aura that kid gave off isn't hard for him to notice, to prove his point he put a location spell on Taehyung, no one ever noticed it.

All these years Mr. Kim always followed Taehyung everywhere, but he found nothing so he never really said anything or make a fuss out of it, until yesterday when Taehyung showed his true nature.

He was beyond surprised and disgusted at the same time, in his eyes Taehyung is nothing more than an abomination that shouldn't be born in the first place, even though he raised him like he was his own, it didn't change the fact that Taehyung is the heir from Kingdom of Hell.

Taehyung's place~

"oh, dad?" he feel disgusted by that, but he shall keep it lowkey, he can't show him how much he hate it when Taehyung address him as appa, "what brings you here?" the latter asked with a bright boxy smile like always, oblivious to the fact that the man in front of him wants him dead more than anything.

"i just miss my son." Mr. Kim says as Taehyung let him in without a doubt, after all he has always see Mr. Kim as his father, his family, he always look up to him as his role model.

"i miss you too dad, I'll get you something to drink and I'll introduce you to someone." he says as he disappear to the kitchen to make something to drink.

when he was waiting for Taehyung to be back to the living room, a tall figure approached him, it was none other but the love of Taehyung's life Ariel, Mr. Kim eyed her from head to toe, she sure look like a Goddess, her beauty is out of this world.

Ariel on the other hand feel an uneasy feeling around Mr. Kim, she eyes him from head to toe trying tor read him, something about Mr. Kim makes her uncomfortable.

"oh love, you have met my dad, dad this is Ariel, the love of my life."

Mr. Kim take another look again from Ariel head to toe and that's when he realize, she isn't human, in fact she is an angel, for him she is just another mystical creature that shall not be roaming this earth.

For more than a century his tribe has always been taught that they were born to hunt mystical creatures, he is a witch after all, witches are born to keep the balance of nature, witches and evil or any other mystical creatures shouldn't be together, they just don't match.

Ariel look at him from head to toe again, and that's when she knew, he is a witch, he is the same man who hold Mrs. Kim hands when she was in labor, it surprises her that he is a witch.

"what a beautiful girlfriend you have here, she is such an angel." he emphasizes on the last word, as Ariel just shot him a look, "i know right? she is so beautiful." Taehyung says and kiss Ariel on her forehead, she can't help but flattered by Taehyung simple gestures and sweet act with her.

On the other hand Mr. Kim watched how in love Taehyung and Ariel are and it makes his plan went well and smoother, he mentally smirked in victory knowing that he just figured out Taehyung's weakness, "well it's been so lovely to see you my son, i think i have to go."

"oh, so soon?" Taehyung asked as he pouted and showed Mr. Kim his beautiful puppy eyes begging for him not to go, it used to melt Mr. Kim tough persona but now it does nothing to his heart, he feel disgusted instead.

"yeah, i have some things to do."

"okay dad, you are welcome here anytime. i love you dad!"

Mr. Kim just smile, fake smile obviously, and left "dad!" Taehyung whines annoyingly, "yes?"

"you don't say i love you back to me?"

"oh right.. you know i love you.."

"no, you have to say it back or i won't let you leave." Taehyung demands as Mr. Kim sighs, the fact that he wants to destroy the kid so badly, and now he has to say it back? man this kid doesn't seem like a spawn of satan at all.

"i love you too." he says as Taehyung smiles, "cute" he mumbles oblivious to the fact that the man he called dad wants him dead.

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