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   We are all evil in someone story, in this story my father is the devil, but we never really get to hear from his point of view, he has always been portrayed as this horrible creature, because he defy the Lord.

  Sometimes we do be telling someone a story about a villain without knowing their point of view, and we never realize that telling people about how evil someone is, their response and reactions could bring something really bad to them, and it could pass down to their bloodline.

  Well in this case, my biological father is literally the devil and his past behaviour bring me to this chaos, i never thought i would be in a situation where i burned down a house just to escape my self from a group of witches, heck i never thought i was half witch half evil, i was raised as a human, i do things the way human would do, i believed i am human until Ariel came along and changed my life.


  The guy who i always considered as a father figure for the past 27 years has the love of my life strangled in his hands and has the audacity to tell me to stop killing his men, sure I'd do it gladly.

"I'll stop if you let her go."

  I can't imagine my self moving on with my life without Ariel in it, i will lose my shit if someone took her from me.

"sacrifice your life and I'll let her go."

Ariel just look me dead in the eyes, I'm surprised she wasn't crying, her eyes are full of fury, she is mad.

"i swear to God Taehyung if you sacrifice yourself for me, i will bring you back to life and kill you my self, i spent my whole life to protect you from shit like this, and i won't let you ruin my life purpose just because you want to play hero! do you hear me? i won't forgive your ass Taehyung, i mean it!"

if that means to protect you and keep you alive, i will do anything.


i said as he let her go, and proceed to kill me with his magic, but before that Ariel fought back, she take everything in her power, her last string of power to save me from danger.

at first she did it without harming her self, but since she is in a transition to turn into a human, her power couldn't last long and my nightmare came true.

  He killed her in front of my eyes, he ripped her heart out and burned it to the ashes, i saw how her body turns blue as soon as her heart was ripped out.


tears are running down my cheek, i took her body in my embrace, "wake up, Ariel! wake up!" i can't stop shaking her body hoping that she will open her beautiful eyes, and scold me.

but nothing.

"Oh My God, Taehyung!"

i looked up to find a worry Yoongi hyung and my mom fighting Kim Tae Hee, the man i used to call dad.

"can you save her hyung?"

his eyes tells me everything, i had just lost hope, "I'm sorry Tae.."

"i will kill him."


"i will rip his heart out like it was nothing."

"Listen to me Tae.."

"it was useless after all."

"you will regret it-"

"my only regret was to let her die under my watch."

"Ariel wouldn't want this."


"she died as a guardian, she has always been one, this was her life purpose Taehyung, protecting you, she maybe your soulmate but she was also a guardian angel, if anything she died with pride."

"that is bullshit! I'm tired to listen to everyone saying that she does everything for me, because she did and i was the reason she died hyung! maybe she died with pride and in piece, but i can't live with it, i can't live in piece knowing that she dies because of me!"


Yoongi POV

"that is bullshit! I'm tired to listen to everyone saying that she does everything for me, because she did and i was the reason she died hyung! maybe she died with pride and in piece, but i can't live with it, i can't live in piece knowing that she dies because of me!"

fucking witches, they are all a pain in the ass living or dead...

so much for a peaceful life and a balanced planet.

the very thing that i'm desperately tried to avoid is finally happening and I'm not happy at all not even a bit.

Kim Taehyung losing his shit.

oh no, i know that look, a look of determination and anger.

hatred, vengeance and desire compiled.

i witnessed how his eyes turned pitch black, a thorn? he has grown a fucking thorn on top of his head?

his skin turned pale and cold, dark wings came out of his back.

he let the evil take control and have his revenge.


his voice is deeper than usual, making everyone shivered.


"I said move."


and the next thing i know this motherfucker throw me away with a little push, but enough to push me off his way.

"shit shit shit shit."

"ah, Yoongi, worry not my son won't kill you."

i must be imagining things.

"no Yoongi, you aren't."


"the one and only...

sort of..."

i widen my eyes at him, "it's been so long since the last time we encountered."

"why are you here?"

"because i figured out that i have an heir and little birdie told me, that he is in danger, so as father I'm here after all i missed 27 years of his life this is the only thing i could do, thanks to you."

nice, a sarcasm and guilt tripping me after 27 years he last saw me, what a lovely reunion.

"your son is about to lose his humanity if we don't stop him!"

"if having humanity means torture for him, then i won't stop him now."

"wow, best dad of the century."

"i know right." he smirked as he proceed to join Taehyung's fight.

the atmosphere changed as soon as Luci joined the fight, since Taehyung has tortured him from burning his insides Luci tried to go inside Taehee mind and mess around with it for the hell of it.

Taehee screams could be heard from miles away by now, but it doesn't last long because the next thing that happened Taehyung pulled his heart out, crushed it and burn it to an ashes, as Lucifer suck the soul out of Taehee dead body.

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now