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"i promise"

But promises are meant to be broken, he left with the devil, his last word to me was..

"i love you, I'm sorry."

i still remember his eyes glistening with tears, saying goodbye has always been a hard thing to do.

"Tae, you promised me..." i begged him to stay.

"but i promised my self too, no matter what happens, our baby should be safe at all cost. if i stay, he will take our baby."

he pulled me into his embrace one last time, before he let his evil side took over his body completely.

"tell our baby, that their father love them and do know that everything i did today because i want you to live well, i might not be able to hold you in my arms anymore but my heart will forever be yours."

and he left, he left me alone without a clue how to raise our baby.


i screamed for him, but he never come back, he entered the portal without turning back.

my heart was broken at the same time he decided to vanished along with the last string of his humanity.

since then, i tried so hard to find a way to go to hell, if hell is where he belongs, then I'm going to hell.

i was desperate, all i cared about was i wanted to see him, i need to see him.

"is this your doing Ariel noona?"

right, since that night he left Jungkook has been taking care of me.

"what? a dead body in the forest?"

he nodded at me as i rolled my eyes at him.

"why do you care Jungkook?"

he sighs

"because this isn't right noona, and the forest is my pack territory!"

"please, a supernatural being like you and i were never pure to even begin with, stop nagging me like an old man, you act like you never killed someone before."

he wasn't really happy by the way i responded to him, his inner wolf isn't happy at all, but he knew better than to jump and attack me, he respected  Taehyung more than to follow his temper.

"it's been 7 month since he left, he wouldn't want you to be this way."

i scoffed at that.

"and i never wanted him to leave, he promised me and he broke his promise Jungkook, so i could give zero fuck about what he wants."

I'm done caring with what Taehyung wants, fuck that, no body ever care about what i want.

"he had no choice noona."

that's a lie, he could have listened to me first but his stubborn ass just left without listening.

"bullshit! i found a way for us to be together but that's the thing, he never listen to me! now excuse me i want to drag his ass back from hell to earth and yell at him once he is back!"

his face shows confusion hearing my answer.


"what do you mean how?"

"you said you found a way for you and him to be together, for him to stay."

"Taehyung is half witch and half evil kook,  he has another person inside him, the evil one, that currently taking control of his body, and the Taehyung that we all know kook, our innocent Taehyung that we know is still there."


"and if only he listened and wasn't being impulsive, we could have separated the evil inside him from his innocent ones, it requires some magic and i know someone who can do magic."

"so you killing people by now because you want to go to hell, confront Taehyung and negotiate?"

he asked me with a mind blown facial


"bestie i think you are going insane!"

that's right, i am insane.

"i know."

"if you die, the baby.."

"i know, I'm waiting for this baby to be born first then I'll take my leave."

i look down at my stomach, one more month and I'm good to go.

"if it works, Taehyung will be back and if he finds out that you can't be back noona,  he will be broken..."

"no, i will be back."

"how are you so sure?"

"I'm not sure, but I'd like to be optimistic."

"it doesn't matter what i think about this crazy idea of yours right noona? you are going to do it anyway."

"that's true."

one month later~

"are you sure you want to do this?"

I nodded at the 4 grown men in this room.

specifically to the 1000 years old original vampire.

"okay before you go, tell me the whole plan so i can feel at ease." says Yoongi.

"i have a witch who will accompany me to find Taehyung in hell, drag his innocent back, and Jimin will give me his blood so that i won't be dead for too long."

they nodded being understanding to me.

"you will be a blood thirsty creature once you are back Ariel, it won't be pretty."

"i know, but i have to bring Taehyung back."

"what if the devil know about your baby?" Jungkook asked as i look at my precious daughter in his arm, sleeping peacefully.

"a clocking spell will do."

"god, you really thought everything through."

"Taehyung would do the same thing if i were to be in his position."

I walked closer to my baby to give her my temporary farewell.

"mommy loves you sweetheart, i will bring your daddy back so we can be a complete family."

i said as i kissed her forehead as i look up to Jungkook.

"if anything happens-"

"no, don't give me that crap Ariel, you will be back with Taehyung, your child need her parents!"

"listen, if anything happens, i trust you to be my daughter guardian Jungkook."

his eyes glistens, "fine, i promise i will take care of her and protect her with my life."

"thank you."

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now