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"that's not it, next please."

this is like the hundredths clothes and dresses i have tried in the last 30 minutes, and I'm getting tired of him keep telling me that it's not look good enough on me.

"Kim Taehyung, you better stop or i swear-"

he raised one eyebrows looking at me in a serious mode, which look oddly even more attractive than he already is, oh God can he stop being beautiful 24/7? ain't he tired? I'm tired of him looking so ethereal all the time, it's not helping with me developing feelings for him.

"hey! this is a serious matter okay, I'm a model, fashion is important! you can't wear something that is a disgrace for fashion world, it's a crime and illegal for me."

oh he wants to know what's illegal? his whole existence in my heart is illegal, my feelings for him is illegal, him looking attractive even when he was drooling in his sleep is illegal.

"you mistaken me for someone with remorse about fashion."

he look at me dead in the eyes, isn't he supposed to be the inferior one? since he is a human and I'm the angel? i have powers, he doesn't.

why am i feeling intimidated by him?

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why am i feeling intimidated by him?

this isn't right.

"well, i care, now change to the next one love, I'm very serious when it comes to fashion. i can tolerate everything but not a bad sense of fashion."

whatever, everything will be back to the way it was anyway, this is temporary, so I'll let him slide.

"it's not like the other humans can see me."

"precisely love, they can't see you, but i can, because i am the only one who can see you, i want an aesthetically pleasing sight to see."

"boy, my whole existence is already aesthetic. if you disagree you are tasteless, just saying."

he smirks, that did something to my heart.

"i like your spirit, liking the confidence, now i understand why you are my angel."


"just shut your mouth Taehyung."

i turned around to change for another outfit.

"how about this one?"

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"how about this one?"

he widen his eyes,  i guess he likes it.

Taehyung POV

"how about this one?"

wow, she looks dazzling, it's a simple casual outfit, but she makes it looks 10x better.

"i like it."

"ugh finally, it was hell to keep changing, you already bought a lot of clothes anyway, isn't it a waste of your money if you don't like a half of it?"

"i don't care. i want you to look good, besides even though I'm the only one who can see you, we are going to have dinner in Jungkook's, so i still want you to look decent."

no, actually i kind of enjoying this.
the fact that she looks good for my eyes only, this is weird i know, but it makes me feel special, that's why I'm dressing her up, knowing that people can't see how ethereal and amazing she looks, makes me feel special.


"okay now that you are all dolled up, let's get going." i said as i took her hand in mine, "ouch, what was that?" i feel like her hands just electrocute me, "you felt that?" she looks surprised as well.

"of course, it stings a little." she widen her eyes.

"Taehyung, this is the first time i actually feel pain."

she looks terrified.

she is panicking.

"calm down okay, maybe it was nothing?"

she is still looking at her palms like it's another creature from another planet.

"Taehyung, if i feel the pain that means I'm becoming even more human each day!"

i just look at her appearance, she is still the same? her wings still there.

"okay nonsense, your wings still attached to your back, now stop worrying about something unnecessary, we are late."

maybe i was being inconsiderate to her, but i don't know it irritates me so much that she hates the thought about being human, i mean for fuck sake she lives for me? she lives to protect a human, why is she so hell bent to prevent her transition to becoming human? what's so bad about us?

the whole ride she stays quiet, she doesn't speak a word at all, and it's frustrating.

"are you seriously going to put me in a silent treatment over a silly arguments we had? what are you? 5?"

still no answer, she just keep avoiding me, i put my hands on her thighs as her body jolted in surprise, her head turns to me, she was surprised and mad at the same time, "do not touch me." she took off my hands from her thigh.

"then stop ignoring me!"

"i don't understand you, I'm only 5 after all."

oh i see, she is not just one with attitude but also petty as hell.

it's cute though.


at Jungkook's place~

"why are we here again?" she asked.

"to celebrate the fact that Jungkook had just graduated from college."

her mouth formed into an o and nod her heads.

i knocked to Jungkook's door waiting for him to open his door.

"wait a minute." i heard him yelling from the inside.

"oh hyung, you are here, oh who is she? your girlfriend? come on in."

what the fuck?

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now