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"yeah and that person is me, now please sweetheart i want to have some alone time with him."

the girl left me with Ariel alone, she sat next to me, i miss her.

"i know you are obsessed with me." she just rolled her eyes, "Taehyung shut up, we need to talk."

"I'm listening my love." her face reddened at my choice of word, I'm loving the fact that i still have the effect on her.

"did you kill this man?" she says as she showed me a picture of this sick bastard i just killed today.

"you are concerned because?" she took a deep breath trying to control her anger, it's cute to see her like this, "because Taehyung? he was a Priest?! he was innocent! he was just enjoying his party with his followers, he was harmless!"

"that was what he allowed people like you to see."

she raised her eyebrows, meaning she was confused.

"he was a rapist."

"impossible he-"

i took her hands in mine as i tried to give her the vision of him trying to rape an underage girl.

"but that doesn't mean he deserve to die? who are you to decide that it was a good idea to took his life?"

"I'm the son of the devil sweetheart."

"do not give me that crap Taehyung."

"do not give me a humanity crap Ariel, some people deserve to die and he was one of them, the reason why i killed him was because he didn't just rape her, he was a fucking pedophile! he is using a priest as his shield to cover up his sin."

"well you can always let the judge decide-"

"so you trust those judges more than you trust me? do you have any fucking idea that the law is fucked up? Ariel, you just lived as a human for not more than 6 month, you know nothing about this world."

"that's not what i meant Tae, it's just i can't accept the fact that you just killed someone."

"then learn to accept the fact that I'm far from the perfect guy you fell in love with 2 years ago Ari, I'm not that guy anymore."

"this isn't you Taehyung."

"no, this is me, this darkness is also a part of me, if you can't accept that you are free to leave me Ari."


"you can leave."

"so that's it? you don't even want to change?"

"change? you out of all people know that i can't change who i am Ari! it's in my DNA, an evil."

"but i still believe that the innocent man i fell in love with is still there somewhere and i refuse to give up until he is back."

"well sorry but the moment that you decided it was a good idea for you to sacrificed your life for me also the time when he gave up and left, just stop loving me if what i do bother you so much Ari."

"I CAN'T!"

her eyes dwelled in tears, fuck that is my weakness, her tears, her sad gaze.

"I CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU TAEHYUNG! every time i tried to tell my self that the you that you are right now isn't the same person i used to know, it still doesn't change the fact that i love you, it was hard for me to stay away from you.."

this vulnerable side of her in front of me always does something to my heart, it's like i want to put her in a blanket and feed her with my kisses.

so i kissed her, i put my lips and her together.

her soft lips feel so good on me, "if you don't stop now, i won't be able to stop my self love." she look at me with her innocent bright eyes, "then don't"

well then, what my baby wants she shall gets.

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now