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They should have never believe the devil.

He shouldn't be here, as expected everything started to falling apart.

Starting from his dead mother, and now a dragon hybrid have a blood of a 1000 years old vampire running in his system.

"what do we do now?" asked the young wolf to break the very thick tension created between the dragon and the vampire in this room.

"we are going to the coven." says Taehyung.

"but Yoongi hasn't recovered fully, we can't beat him if Yoongi can't even turn into his dragon form."

says Seokjin the healer of the pack, he doesn't want to risk anyone's life.

"you can't beat the devil." This time Ariel speak up, as a former angel herself, she knows that creatures like Lucifer can't be beaten.

"of course we can." oh well, we have a stubborn little evil.

"no Taehyung, your father can't be beaten, but we can negotiate, he is the devil after all, he likes to make a deal, something that could benefits him."

Yoongi finally open his mouth after having a traumatized event with the devil not too long ago.

"We all know what he wants and I'm not letting him have it, he wants an heir!"

The thought of her soulmate leaving her to run hell makes her extra defensive, her emotions are all over the place, she is boiling inside.

"baby, we don't have any other options."

that doesn't makes her feel any better, she felt dizzy "Oh God." she says as she run to the toilet, throwing up.

"what's wrong with you? are you okay?"

"okay?! what the fuck Taehyung?! do you think i will be okay if you were to be taken from me?! no! I'm not!"

She has no idea what's up with her, it's like her body feels a bit different, she became emotionally unstable since she got back from the coven, she's been very snappy and now after all the fights that she witnessed today, she felt sick of it.

"Taehyung, if i may, can i touch her? i want to makes sure that I'm hearing it right."

"it's my body Seokjin! not Taehyung, ask my permission! not him!" she answered him clearly annoyed at literally everything.

"o-okay.. can i?" he asked as she stopped his hand.

"no one is touching me." she says as everyone was left speechless by her change of tone and how she gets protective towards her body.

"When is the last time you guys had sex?"

He asked earning a glare from Ariel as Taehyung was surprised as well.

"like few days ago, a night before i found out that none of you guys are human."

"did you wear condom? protection? anything..."

Taehyung widen his eyes at a realization, he didn't wear condom, and he came inside her.


Ariel still being oblivious to the situation she was in, or the fact that her body now is possibly carrying his child.

"so what are you saying Jin? what's wrong with me?! can anyone just tell me what the fuck is wrong? for fuck sake."

"i don't know for sure but Ariel, you might be carrying his child, i can only know for sure if you let me touch your stomach."

Her eyes widen and snapped Taehyung a glare, as if the situation they are in aren't messy enough, now she is carrying his child?!

"fine, make it quick." she says finally giving Jin a permission to put his hand on her stomach.

"Oh God, i can feel it's heartbeat.."

A baby should be a blessing but not for them, not when there is a devil roaming this earth looking for his heir.

"Kim Taehyung, you are a dead meat!" Ariel says as she was so mad at him.

"what? why are you so mad at me?! we had sex because you wanted it as well, and i-"

"Taehyung, it's best to not provoke her even more, a pregnant woman is 10 times scarier than anything else when she is angry."

Yoongi sighed, kind of disappointed at Taehyung for not being careful, because right now he doesn't know if Lucifer knows about the baby or not.

if He knows, no one is safe.

"This is all your fault Taehyung, you and your stupid dick! why can't you use condom?! fuck what if the devil knows?! if you didn't..."

At this point she has so many things for her to worry about inside her head, she is worried about her baby, she is worried and she is blaming Taehyung for his stupid dick and sperm.

"baby, listen to me." Taehyung says as he tried to comfort his pregnant lover.

"we will get through this together, i won't let my father know about our baby, and we will find a way to solve everything."

Ariel instantly calm down by his touch, she stopped crying and hug him tight.

"promise me you won't leave me, our baby need you, i need you."

she says with her glistening eyes that makes him weak.

"i promised."

His Guardian Angel | KIM TAEHYUNG FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now