Chapter 34

442 19 2

Author's POV

A week passed again, and Y/n body keeps getting weaker. She skipped meals, she always feel pressure and stress. Its been 2 weeks but Han is still not reaching her. Y/n can't take it anymore and called him yesterday but he didn't bother to answer.

"Y/n you have a fever you have to rest!" Hyoyeon, their leader said.
"Unnie im fine, i can practice" y/n said with her weak voice as she tried to get up from the bed but Hyoyeon stopped her.
"Don't be naughty, stay here. I already prepared food, eat it okay? Stop skipping meals, there are also medicine on the table drink it" Y/n nodded and Hyoyeon left the room and closed the door.

Y/n can feel her head ache but she get up and taķe a bath. She fixed herself and get her bag leaving to practice even though she's not feeling well. She thinks that she' already late so she left and didnt even bother to eat and drink her medicine. Her life is not fun like before, its now very stressfull.

She knocked to the door and opened it.
"Aish you dont really listen dont you?" Hyoyeon said.
"I told you unnie im fine, my fever is not that high besides the filming is just around the corner i have to do well" y/n answered. They started practicing but after an hour
y/n starts to feel dizzy.

"1 and 2 and 3 to the right-" the choreographer stopped seeing y/n faint and fell down the floor. The trainees panicked and dont know what to do.

"Her fever is so high bring her to the hospital" their choreographer statted.
"Yuri call a taxi then help me bring her down" Hyoyeon said which made Yuri follow. The rest calmed down before they start practicing again when Hyoyeon and Yuri are already in the taxi.

"This naughty kid i told her to rest"
"Unnie you know y/n she wont rest as long as she can practice" Yuri statted.
"Yuri call the jerk, let him know what happen to y/n"

"The cause of her fainting is because of pressure and stress. Do she often skip meals?" the assigned doctor said.
"That's one of the reason, her condition is not that bad but make sure that she eats on time and have enough rest" the girls bowed then the doctor left.

Han came in a hurry wearing a mask and cap. He quickly stepped closer near y/n who is still asleep, he can see how pale the girl is. Han sat down on the chair beside the bed and holded y/n hand, he started to regret that he keeps ignoring her.

"What did the doctor said?" Han asked.
"Her condition is not that bad she needs to rest, she's always stressed and pressured she also often skipped meals cause she dont have appetite" Yuri answered.
"Han if you're not going to take care of y/n, you should atleast not hurt her. She's already having a hard time on practice you should be the one who is comforting her" Hyoyeon statted. Hyoyeon is trying to calm herself, she wanted to scold Han because of what he did but y/n wont like that if she do that.
"We will go get some food, stay with here" Hyoyeon said and Han nodded.

Han keeps on staring y/n, he felt so sorry. Y/n slowly opened her eyes, a smile was formed in her mouth when she saw who's infront of him.
"Han" she called.
"Y/n do you feel better? Does anything hurt? What do you need?" Han keeps asking in concern.
"Its sad that i have to get admitted in the hospital before i get to see you" y/n said in a weak voice almost sounding like a whisper but is enough for Han to heard it.
"Im sorry y/n"
"Its fine, i was wrong" her teary eyes can be seen.
"Maybe i should get admitted often so i can you everytime" a tear started to fall.
"You dont have to get admitted for you to see me y/n, im here now hmm? Im sorry for hurting you"
"No im sorry, ive been to busy and didnt pay attention on you" y/n said. Even though its not y/n fault she feel guilty for not trying harder even though she already tried enough.
"Y/n make sure to eat on time, stop pushing yourself too much you also need to rest"
"I'll do what you said Han" She smiled.

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