Chapter 8

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Three weeks has passed and my daily life is still the same. We keep practicing and we are also preparing our dancing and singing skill for the survival show.

I'll perform call me baby by exo. I'm not good at dancing girl group dance so i choose a boy group one.Jyp pdnim will watch us and judge us, so i am really preparing hard for the survival show. I want to debut.

"Y/n you need to improve your dancing skills okay? You must practice hard we only have 1 week before the survival show start" Youngtae seonsaengnim said. Im really having a hard time dancing. "Your the one who choose your song, why can't you dance it properly" he added.

"Okay break time" Youngtae seonsaengnim anounced and left the practice room.

I sat at the floor and covered my face. I'm really not good at dancing but i'm not that bad either, but why can't i do it properly ughh.

My vocals is fine the only problem is my dancing.I feel like crying right now but i wouldn't solve my problem.

"Y/n cheer up i'll help you okay" Yuri said trying to cheer me up. "Thank you" i gave her a small smile.

"Let's eat at the cafeteria okay?you have to eat a lot so you will have energy to practice, let's go" Yuri hold my hand and dragged me in the cafeteria.

"Y/n eat your food,i told you i'll help you" Yuri said while eating her food.
"I cant stop thinking about i really want to improve" i didnt touch my food an just look at it.

"Aish y/n if you want to improve eat your food you need to have energy, your losing weight" Yuri said and i just pouted.

" ah it hurts" i said rubbing my cheeks because Yuri pinched it.

I started eating my food, i didn't notice that im losing weight, i'm too focused on dancing that i really didn't notice.

"By the way i don't see skz these past few weeks, maybe because there busy on their comeback"

"I think so too, i have no contacts on Han and Hyunjin and also doesn't see the often. I hope their comeback will do well"

"Yeah, i hope it will go well"

"What am i going to do with you y/n" Youngtae seongsaengnim said looking so stressed. "I already corrected you why do you keep making the same mistakes" he added.

"The rest of you good job"

"Thank you" the trainees replied.

"Y/n you should practice more at home "


"Everyone you may go home see you tommorow"

"Y/n are you okay?" Hyoyeon unnie asked putting her arms on my back.
"I am unnie" i gave a force smile.
"You can do it y/n okay?fighting! I have to go now" i nodded and waved my hand as a goodbye.

"Y/n i have to go somewhere today, i'll teach you tommorow sorry"
"It's fine Yuri, you don't have to say sorry"
"I told you its fine"
"I'll make it up to you okay?" She said and i nodded.

She hugged me and bid our goodbye.

I'm here at my apartment practicing hard. Today is my day off so i don't have partime job.

I looked at the squirrel keychain on top of the table. If i want to debut i must work hard.

Im laying on the couch,i'm so tired. I still can't do it, this is stressing me so much.

I cooked dinner,take a bath and layed on my bed. I looked at the time and saw that it's only 11pm. I'm not yet sleep so i decided to take a walk outside,i wear my hoodie,wear my earphones and played phobia by skz. I really like this song.

Keychain |Han jisung FFWhere stories live. Discover now