Chapter 22

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We just finished shooting the game, we're now fixing our make up and resting for a while before we start shooting again.

"Y/n can you tell Meiji that she will be the one who'll explain the next game later" pdnim said. I nodded and go to Meiji unnie who is scrolling to her phone.

"What?! Are you going to bother me again?" she said irritatedly cutting off my words. Istg it's not like im bothering her or something.
"Pdnim said that you're the one who will explain the next game." i said calmly as i could. I'm trying to be nice as i can because we have nice memories but if she keeps acting like this i'll burst. She just rolled her eyes and continued scrolling at her phone. Okay y/n calm down she's older than you, i was about to left but she speaks.

"Is it fun pretending that you're nice?"she asked.
"Sorry unnie, im not like you" i answered back.
"I can't believe netizens liked you"
" unnie seriously what happen to you? I really like you at first why is the suddenly change of attitude. I treated you like a friend."
"Actually, i was never nice in the first place. You fools believe that i was actually friendly huh. Specially you, when i know that you're close with Han, i really befriend you. I really dont know why he's close with you, you're such a flirt. Flirting with Hyunjin and Han at the same time. You're not even pretty like me and i know that you are just using them for attention." she smirked making my blood boil. I can't hold it anymore.
"Yes i'm a fool for believing you. I may be not pretty as you but one thing i can boast about is i dont pretend and im not fake like you" i can see that she's angry.
"By the way unnie, Han will never like you because first of all your attitude is very very ugly and second he doesnt like fake persons like you" i added and smirked.

She stand up and was about to slap me but i hold her wrist and gripped tightly.
"Slap me if you can" i said provoking her.

"Meiji!" One of the staff called. I let go of her wrist as she's killing me with her eyes. Some of the trainees also sees us making them move closer to us.
"Y/n what happened?" Irene unnie asked.
"Ask her unnie" i said. Irene unnie looked at Meiji unnie and Meiji unnie glared at me first then left.

"Meiji unnie is too much" Yuri statted.
"Is our baby okay? She crossed over the line" Hyoyeon unnie asked, looking concern. Hyoyeon unnie really treats me and Eunji as her babies, im glad she's not like Meiji unnie.
"Im fine unnie thank you"

"We will start shooting again in 1 minute" Pdnim announced.

We try to hide the tension since there are cameras and i dont want to messed up because of a fight.

"Yah Meiji!" Hyoyeon unnie called. We are all in our dorm since the shoot is finished.
"Bitch what do you want" she answered.
"Dont bitch me, stop starting a fight with everyone specially with y/n. Are you that immature?she's not even doing anything to you"
"Yeah whatever" she then go to her room and shut the door loud.
"That bitch is getting on my nerves" Hyoyeon unnie said.
"Let her be unnie, it's not like she's going to debut anyways. Jyp already know her attitude, i know that he won't choose someone like unnie" i statted trying to calm Hyoyeon unnie.

Tommorow is the day we'll know who is our teamates for the last mission. Gosh please i'm fine with anyone but not with Meiji unnie. I don't want to be a team with her.

Damn why is she in the team. Look at her glaring at me im not even doing anything, is she a attention seeker?

After knowing the teamates we discussed for a while and decided to take a break and continue disscusing.

"Aaaaa fresh air" as always, me in the rooftop.

"I knew i'll find you here" Meiji unnie walked closer to me making me sigh.
"What do you want?" I looked at her uninterested.
"Nothing, i just want to annoy the hell out of you"
"Unnie grow up, stop being an attention seeker. No wonder no one likes you, you may be pretty and talented but your attitude is a big no"
"They only like you because your a flirt, stop flirting with Han,he's mine" is she a pyscho?
"Im not flirting with him and he's never yours. Wake up from your dellusion!"
"Yah! It's only the two of us here, no one's gonna help you you know"
"I dont need help though"
"You Bitch!!" She's about to slap me but a hand stopped her. Seriously, someone will always come and help me i should be thankful but this is no fun i want to fight too.

"Yah!Meiji are you out of your mind?!"
"let go of my hand!!" Hyunjin let go of her hand while his eyes are sending daggers to her. After Hyunjin let go of her hand im the one who slaps her, its not too strong though. I've been holding out for too long.
"YAAAAHH!!" Unnie shouted.
"Y/n why did you do that?" Hyunjin asked shocked by my action.
" unnie ive been really patient, please get out of here and leave me alone" i said and turned my back. I heard footsteps slowly fading away.

"Why did you slap her?" I stared at the view for a while before i answered. Is he gonna scold me?
"She's getting on my nerves and i cant hold it longer, i know that she's an unnie but she's too much" i said not looking at him. I then felt him carresing the top of my head.

"You did a great job for holding it in, its fine to release it like that"
" i thought your gonna scold me" i scrunched my nose and he chuckled.
"By the way what happened to her?so the issue about her attitude is real huh?" I nodded.
" i wonder why she's not disqualified yet" he added. I think about the same way too but thinking about it unnie really has talent maybe thats why she's not disqualifief yet.

"How did you manage to come just in time?"
"I was actually here before you came in, i overheard your conversation and saw that she was about to slap you so yeah"
"So you really listened to our conversation first?" I raised my eyebrows while he's avoiding eye contact making me giggle.

"But y/n"
"Remember when i told you that when you like someone you can tell me about it"
"Yeah i do remember"
"So do you know who you like?"
"About that when someone asked me if i like someone the first person to came into my mind is Han"
"So you do like him?"
"Do i like him?" I asked myself. He laughed at me.
"ㅋㅋㅋ you like him, dont worry i'll help you" i still feel bad for Hyunjin.
"Thank you but no thanks, i dont wanna make a move and get rejected. Besides we're friends so i probably doesnt have a chance"
"Trust me you do have a chance" why does he sounds so assuring.

Today is friday and we're going to practice our parts and try to record it tommorow. Tommorow is already Saturday, i cant wait to see Han. I miss him although i just saw him this week. Maybe this is the feeling when you're inlove? I wonder what's he's going to sad though, i really can't wait.

I don't want to confess because of our friendship.

"Today is the day you're going to meet Han right?" Yuri whispered.
"Yeahhh i can't wait to see him, i'll finish my recording part fast" i whispered back
"You must really like him, enjoy your date later"
"It's not a dateee"
"Whatever it is then" we both giggled.

I was the first one to record and i want to finish it fast so i can go home and change. Since its saturday we can already go home once we finish to record it's still not final it's like a scratch and we will still fix it.

"Y/n go in now" pd nim called.

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