New Year's Kiss

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"Kuroo! Kuroo! Kuroo!" The crowd cheers as Tetsuro picks up his 3rd pint of beer. He lifts the glass to his lips and sneaks a glance towards his loving husband Kuroo Kozume.
Kozume just shakes his head and lets out a quiet, and slightly exasperated laugh. He'd seen this coming; Tetsuro did this every year. They'd go out to a friend's house, this year Daichi Sumawara's place, and Tetsuro would get dragged into a chugging competition. And every year, without fail, he'd win. And here he is now, sitting across from Ryūnosuke Tanaka, as per usual, chugging his third out of five glasses. Whoever chugged the 5 glasses first won; What did they win? Bragging rights until the next party. That's it. Bragging rights.
Kozume never understood the childish game and he would never admit how fun it was to watch. He watches Tetsuro finish his glass and slam it down on the table, reaching for the 4th, Tanaka close behind. Kozume knows whos gonna win and what will happen afterward. Tetsuro will take him outside and Kozume will tell him how proud of him he is. They'll stay out in the fresh air for a while alone during the countdown then head back inside for the rest of the night. Sure, it was repetitious but Kozume loves it.
Kozume rises from his chair in the corner and lifts his fist in the air and cheers with the rest of the conjugation of old high school volleyball teams as Tetsuro stands and swallows the last bit of alcohol. Tetsuro spots Kozume in the corner and prowls towards Kozume almost hungrily. Kozume playfully bites his lip and stalks towards Tetsuro. When they finally meet Tetsuro laughs and picks Kozume up bridal style in triumph. Kozume lets out a quiet laugh and kisses Tetsuro's cheek in congratulations. The taller man huffs and walks towards the door, wanting to clear his head a bit after the consumption of alcohol. As he walks down the front steps of Daichi's house, Kozume checks his clock.
"It's 11:48, Tetsuro," Kozume says as Tetsuro gently places him down on the pavement.
"Just in time," Tetsuro says in a slurr. Kozume laughs and turns towards his tall husband. Tetsuro leans down a bit and Kozume wraps his arms around his lover's neck. Tetsuro and Kozume stare into each other's eyes, relishing the memories of the past year.
"2020 sucked ass. But you made it better, Kozume," Kozume feels his face heat up at the compliment and hides his reddened face in the crook of Tetsuro's neck. Kozume feels the taller man's shoulder rise and fall quickly and chuckles escape his lips. Tetsuro slips his arms around the smaller man's waist and squeezes, not wanting to let go of the perfection against his body.
"You've seriously gotta cut that sappy shit out Tetsuro, you sound like your gonna die," Kozume states and wraps his arms around Tetsuro's neck, squeezing just as hard as his waste was being clutched.
"Don't worry my love, I won't leave you that soon. We have all of 2021 to get through first," Tetsuro pulls back, still gripping his fingers around Kozumes waist, providing some slack. Kozume grips the back of his neck and moves his face close to Tetsuro's keeping their lips separated. Tetsuro moves forward to meet their lips but Kozume pulls back slightly and looks down at his watch.
"Nope still got another 10 minutes," Tetsuro sighs and pulls Kozume back into his chest, straightening his chest and looking towards the night sky before them. Kozume places his hand gingerly on Tetsuro's chest and gazes at the same sky as his lover man.
           "Hey, Tetsuro?" Kuroo hums in response. "Thank you for everything. For staying by me this whole shitty year, for supporting me throughout our relationship and so much more. I know it's cliche but I don't know what id do without you. you saved me, you might not know it, but you saved my life. So, thank you Kuroo Tetsuro. I love you more than video games." Tetsuro smiles at the inside joke and takes in a deep breath, calculating what he would say next.
"Kozume I fucking love you. And no, that's not the alcohol talking. I am so damn glad I followed you that night. Thank you, Kozume, for trusting me and loving me unconditionally. You've made quarantine and working from home and stuff manageable--fun, even. You will never know how much you mean to me. I will be by your side as long as you need me. I'm proud of you, too. You've accomplished so much and I'm ecstatic that you chose me to experience it with you. So thank you Kuroo Kozume. I love you more than science," Kozume doesn't say anything after that and neither does Tetsuro.
They are comfortable at that moment, having said what they wanted to say. Now all there is to do was wait for the chanting from inside to begin and bask in each other's warm embrace. Tetsuro brings his watch closer to his face to check the time.
"Hey, Kozume it's 11:57, maybe wanna cut me some slack?" Kozume simply shakes his head in denial. "Aww come on! Please? You know you want to kiss me."
"You keep thinking that, loser. You have to wait those extra 3 minutes," Kozume says playfully.
"Why are you so mean to me?" Kuroo says as he places his head atop Kozume's and whines.
"Because you said I cant bully kids on Roblox anymore. Where else am I supposed to offload my pent up anger and numerous insults?" Tetsuro laughs and flicks Kozumes forehead, earning a soft ow from the small man in his arms.
"You're not seriously still mad about that, are you? That was years ago! You cant be a successful streamer and literal CEO if you cyberbully little kids," Kozume lets out a sigh of defeat and snuggles deeper into Tetsuro's chest, seeking warmth.
They stand like that for a moment or two, both getting lost in each other's hold, hoping and praying that 2021 will be better. And if it isn't any better, they'd stand together through it. Kozume knows he can lean on Tetsuro and Tetsuro has faith in Kozume. They love eachother unconditionally and always will. Sure they've had bumps in the road but that's is in the past and the love they feel for each other conquered it. They know without a shadow of a doubt it will all be okay as long as they stay together.
"Ten! Nine! Eight!" Kozume looks towards Tetsuro as the chants of excitement come from inside the house behind him.
           "Can I have that kiss now?" Tetsuro says with a sly smirk. Kozume chuckles and leans in slowly and Tetsuro mirrors the movement.
           "Five! Four!" Kozumes lips lock with Tetsuro's.
           "Three! Two! Happy New Year!" Tetsuro smiles and deepens the kiss. Kozume wraps his arms tighter around Tetsuro's neck and lets out a happy sigh. Tetsuro was the first to pull away.
           Kozume smiles and looks deep into the eyes of the man in front of him. "I love you, dork. Stay with me, okay?" Tetsuro looks down at him lovingly and holds out his pinky.
           "Forever, my little Gamer Boy," Kozume laughs and interlocks his pinky with Tetsuros and kisses the pad of his thumb in time with Tetsuro. They press their thumbs together, keeping their pinkies twisted, sealing the promise between the two.
           "Happy new year, my love."

Authors Note

uhm..hi haha... here's a new year's eve special ig tehe...Yes it's a day late. It's fine, it's fine It's fine. I was writing last night until like 11:56 cuz at 11:58:03 I played  Fuyunohanashi (If yk your elite sorry I don't make the rules) so I could start 2021 off with Mafuyus over-enthusiastic scream. Great way to kick off the new year, ammi right haha... i actually hate the way this turned out lol it's not even close to what i wanted it to be but didn't wanna make it too long ahhh idk ok i hope u liked it

Anyway, gn and have a great 2021 ;)

(1249 words)

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