~Chapter 15~

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Kenma stood at the entrance to the bathroom leaning against the door frame, watching Kuroo carefully, trying to dissect the range of emotions on his face. Kenma not only found himself assessing Kuroo's face but also marveling at it. Kenma broke free from his trance of idolization and took a few steps forward. Kuroo noticed the movement from the corner of his eye and turned his head to Kenma, a single tear finally falling down his cheek.
"You kept it. After all this time, you kept it," Kuroo looked back down at the frame.
"Of course. It was then that I started to become who I am now. Looking back on it now... Kuroo, that was the happiest day of my life. I had to remember it somehow...just in case," A hint of something came through in Kenma's voice. But neither boy could tell exactly what it was.
"Just in case of what, Kenma?" Kuroo set down the picture and walked slowly toward Kenma, wiping his cheek. Kuroo knew this was sentimental to him and Kenma never liked to talk about his feelings. Kuroo wanted to be as gentle and open as possible for him. Kenma looked down and seemed as though he had said too much.
"In case I ever lost you. In case you ever decided I was too boring and left me in the dust," Kenma let out slowly, the words felt like tin in his mouth. Kenma felt Kuroo's stare on the top of his head. He felt the gaze fringe his hair and melt through his skull, overloading his brain with possible outbursts from Kuroo. Kenma continued to avert his stare downward, refusing to identify what Kuroo was feeling.
But suddenly, Kenma's face was being gingerly lifted up to meet Kuroo's gaze. Kenma leaned his face into Kuroo's hand and placed his own smaller one against it. Kenma nuzzled his hands slightly, just to make sure it was real. It all seemed like one big fever-dream. Kenma didn't notice a tear roll down his cheek until Kuroo's thumb swiped across his pink cheek, catching the drop mid fall. More fell as Kenma was forced to imagine his life without Kuroo in it; how bland and insignificant it would have been. Kenma might not have even been alive to this day if it weren't for Kuroo. More and more scenarios crowded Kenma's mind and as they did more and more tears were let loose.
Kuroo had never seen this side of Kenma. All he could do was be there for him through this. Kuroo pulled Kenma close and wrapped one strong arm around his waist and tangled one into his hair. Kenma used his thin arms to clutch Kuroo's shirt and hang on for dear life. They stood there, Kuroo's shirt wetting with tears and Kenma letting out every emotion he had ever bottled up. After Kenma had cried all the tears there were to cry, he slowly lifted his head from Kuroo's shirt just enough to see his face.
Kuroo looked down at Kenma and they read each other's faces for some seconds before Kuroo unweaved his hand from Kenma's still damp hair and released his waste from his tight grip. Kenma hesitantly let go of Kuroo's shirt and stepped back. Kenma could've been seen wearing a face of embarrassment throughout his puffy eyes and red nose. Kenma wiped the remaining tears on his sleeve and looked at Kuroo's shirt, seeing the circle of fluid where Kenma's face had been pressed.
"I'm sorry about that Kuroo," Kenma said, not specifying if he meant his breakdown or the temporary stain on his shirt. Kuroo didn't seem to be phased by the apology, he only looked determined about something. Like he had decided that now was the time.
"Forget about that right now. Kenma Kozume, watching you breakdown like that hurt me. It hurt me so, so much; more than finding you in that field. I didn't realize until now how many emotions you had hidden away and sealed with an impenetrable lock," Kuroo shifted on his feet, his eyes down at his hands. "I should have checked up on you more often, I should have made sure you were ok. I should have been there. But that's all in the past; I'm starting new today, right now," Kuroo took a deep breath and looked up directly into Kenma's eyes. "Kenma Kozume, I like you. I like you a lot and I don't ever want to leave your side. I want to stay with you through the good and bad. I want to be here for you always, even through nights like tonight.
"I want to be the person you go-to for everything; whether that be a new game you just bought or something that happened during school. And trust me, I know our time playing volleyball together came to an end, but that doesn't mean that our relationship has to end too. I want to spend everyday with you. I want to fall asleep and wake up next to you everyday. I want to pick you up from school early and go out for dates every Friday. I want...Kenma I want you," Kuroo shamelessly searched Kenma's eyes, looking for even the most miniscule of reactions.
But what he was met with instead was Kenma jumping into his arms and pressing their lips together. Kuroo was so overjoyed, he picked Kemna up and spun him around, but was careful to keep their lips connected. Kuroo slowed down and let Kenma stand on his own two feet. Kenma pulled away first but they kept their faces inches apart. Kuroo leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together and his huge, cat-like grin was seen through Kenma's peripherals; even though he was focused on the hazel pair of eyes in front of him.
"So I'll take that as an acceptance of my feelings," Kuroo chuckled.
"Yes, it is," And now Kenma could finally repeated those same words he had that night, at last able to confirm that they actually meant what he felt. Kenma jumped back into Kuroo's arms and let out a laugh as Kuroo fell back onto the bed. Kenma stayed laying on top of Kuroo's chest as he spoke out the words, "I like you too...baka."

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