~Chapter 4~

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           Kenma opened his eyes, his face damp with cold sweat. His eyes darted around frantically trying to figure out where he was. Once he recognized the room as Kuroo's, he relaxed. Relief washed over him as he realized the traumatizing events had only been a nightmare and he was now wide awake, sitting up and leaning the majority of his weight against something.
           He felt something constricting wrapped around his rapidly rising and falling torso. He soon realized what those 2 strong encasings were. Kenma had been shaken awake by Kuroo, who was now embracing him—trying desperately to provide some sort of comfort. Kenma lifted his head slightly. Kuroo noticed and pulled his arms back into himself, his ears slightly red. A look of concern and fear openly adorned his face. Kenma hated the absence of Kuroo's strong arms and wished he could return to the embrace. Kenma looked up at Kuroo who was secretly wishing the same thing. Kuroo loved being able to hold Kenma like that. But given the circumstances, it seemed like a one-time thing.
           Kuroo looked down at Kenma who was intently observing him. Suddenly, recollections of what he had experienced in the past 48 hours hit him like a brick wall. Kenma was now on the verge of tears again. He looked up at Kuroo who hastily noticed the brim of his eyes glisten. Kuroo did the only thing he could think of and opened his arms again, inviting Kenma into another necessary embrace. Kenma suck back into his arms and let himself be enveloped by Kuroo's soothing aura.
           "Do you want to lay down?" Kuroo whispered, trying not to frighten the delicate man pressed against his chest. Kuroo could feel the slightest trace of a nod on his left chest.
           Kuroo delicately let Kenma out of his grasp and watched him nuzzle into the sheets. Kuroo was about to stand up when he felt a slight pull at the hem of his periodic table nightshirt. Kuroo looked down at Kenma who sent him a quick look of desperation and fear.
           From the small feline-like boy came a barely audible whisper "Don't leave." Kuroo moved in understanding and Kenma shifted over in the bed, making room for the larger boy to fit. Kenma faced Kuroo as he made himself comfortable under the shared blanket. Kenma hesitantly scooted closer to Kuroo and the larger male wrapped his muscular arms around the smaller male, pulling him in and creating a tangle of legs under the sheets. Kenma finally felt safe.
Drowsiness threatened his every move but he couldn't get those images out of his head. The looks of hatred from all his best friends...from Hinata. Kenma nuzzled his face into Kuroo's chest and tried to focus on the boy who saved him from that chilling false-reality.
            Kenma finally felt okay then; he knew he would be okay because Kuroo was there. Kenma was grateful for him. He appreciated Kuroo more than the man will ever know.
What would Hinata think of me with Kuroo like this- wait. nope i can't think of him he's gone he left he's lo longer part of my life. I have to remember that.
Kenma's shoulders clamped and his finger nails dig into the sensitive skin of his palm. The thoughts kept on. thoughts of Hinata judging him and hating him and all of his friends and eventually the memories...
Kenma's worrisome thoughts were interrupted by a familiar hand sliding through his long hair. Kenma felt instantly relaxed. Damn that Kuroo, he always knew Kenmas weak spots. But this time, Kenma was ok with it. His breath started to even out and eventually, he started to fall asleep. As he was about to fall off the edge of unconsciousness, soft words rang out from in front of him.

            "Kenma, are you still awake?" Kenma didn't answer in fear of what Kuroo would do if he knew Kenma was still awake. But Kuroo kept talking, "Kenma you cant hear this but... I really like you. I want to be here for you no matter what. I want to fall asleep with you like this all the time. I want to be able to make you feel good about yourself and for you to be and feel loved.
"I know you just got out of a relationship the hard way but, god...I love you Kenma Kozuma. And I wish I could say this in person when you're actually awake, but I want you to have time to heal first. I want you to be ok with loving someone again. I want to be able to call you names like 'baby' and 'chibi chan' without hesitation. I can't, though...not yet. But I will when the time comes. I promise you I'll do my best for you. I promise. Goodnight, Kozume," Kenma laid there, paralyzed in utter surprise. He didn't know what to do besides try to process what Kuroo had just told him. His brain raced at a hundred miles an hour. The shocked boy decided to stay still and pretend like he didn't hear anything.
           Eventually, after what seemed like 4 eternities, Kuroo's breathing finally stabilized and Kenma knew he was asleep. Kenma scooted upwards slightly so he was closer to Kuroo's face and whispered something into his ear. Something very important to Kenma. Something Kuroo made him finally realize. Once he had gotten that out of his heart, he snuggled back into Kuroo's chest and fell asleep in the safety of his arms.

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