~Chapter 6~

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"Can you stand up? If not, don't push yourself," Kuroo asked. Kenma successfully got his legs to the side of the bed and his feet on the floor. Kenma pushed off the bed in an attempt to stand but his legs were too weak. His knees buckled and Kenma went falling forward. He expected to hit the ground and accepted the pain that would follow the impact, but the impact against the ground never came. Instead, Kenma was off his feet and in Kuroo's arms, legs thrown over one arm and back being cradled in the other.
"Are you ok Ken'? You didn't get hurt did you?" Kuroo questioned, worried. Kenma took note of the new nickname and decided Kuroo should have one as well.
"I'm fine 'Roo. You don't have to carry me. I can walk. I was just still tired, that's all," Kenma said, wiggling around, trying to break free from Kuroo's strong grasp.
"No, you are clearly not healthy enough to walk on your own. Plus you're really light so I don't mind carrying you. Also with your upper and lower body weight distributed between both my arms, it causes less pressure build-up in one area, so that each arm can carry a bit of the weight. It's simple, really," Kuroo was known to geek out like that sometimes. He may seem like a big goofball but he really was intelligent. Especially in science— it was his favorite subject after all. Kenma loved it when he did that; he found it strangely adorable. Watching Kuroo ramble on about things he's passionate about inspired Kenma to follow what he loves and to never be ashamed of it.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs and the entrance to the kitchen, Kuroo lightly placed Kenmas feet on the ground, but still made sure to carry the majority of the weight. They walked together to the table and Kuroo sat Kenma down in one of the chairs. Kuroo turned facing the fridge and walked toward it. He opened the door and took an inventory check.
"So, what do you want for breakfast?" Kuroo asked, turning to face the small male sitting in the chair. "We have a lot of stuff so I can make almost anything,"
Kenma didn't know what he wanted. He usually never ate breakfast so he was a little on the clueless side of what he liked. "Surprise me," Kenma said, thinking it the best option.
"It's not going to be apple pie, just letting you know now," Kuroo warned with a light tone. Kenma smiled at the fact that Kuroo knew him so well. Apple pie was his favorite food and they've joked about how Kenma would eat it every day if he could. He just really liked apple pie and he didn't think there was anything wrong with that.
Kenma watched intently as Kuroo pulled out ingredients from the fridge, one by one. Once he had all the necessary ingredients out, Kuroo started the stove. He appeared to be making some sort of egg dish. Kenma didn't care much about the food, though. He was mesmerized by Kuroo's grace throughout the kitchen. He watched keenly as Kuroo carefully chopped veggies and made sure the egg was cooking well at the same time. Timers were going off everywhere, things were boiling and cooking yet, it was like a well-oiled train with Kuroo as its conductor. He was perfectly in control and calm. And as handsome, as always.

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