~Chapter 10~

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"Uhh Kenma? We might have a problem," Kuroo called from the entrance to the hollowed-out bush. Seeing as this was the only way to the field, Kuroo had tried to fit through the small hole in the bush. He had made it halfway through, but now his ankle was stuck in between some roots and his arms imitated Superman's flying posture in front of him. Kuroo was stuck. And Kenma was already in the field ahead of him so there was no way to untangle his foot from behind. Kuroo tried to move his ankle around but, due to the lack of wriggle space, his efforts were futile.
   "Are you stuck? Oh my god, I knew this was a bad idea," Kenma said, obviously trying to hold in his laughter. "What part of you is stuck?" Kenma looked down at Kuroo's head and arms, protruding from the bush. Kenma couldn't hold back anymore and let out an obnoxious laugh.
"Are you gonna help me or laugh at me? Because until I can get out, you can't leave. C'mon Ken' help me," Kuroo pleaded, holding out the "me". But Kenma's laughs didn't stop as he watched Kuroo's facial features drop into a pout. Kuroo didn't want that sound to end. Kenma's laughter was like silk in his ears. It was smooth and easy, yet quiet. Kuroo loved how Kenma's nose scrunched and how he closed his eyes. Kuroo loved how a smile now adorned Kenma's face, he adored the sight. It was the first time Kuroo had heard the melody in a long time and he could easily admit he missed it. Kuroo eventually gave in and started laughing too. But he only let out a small chuckle so that his overly obnoxious laugh wouldn't consume Kenma's delicate one.
After a little while longer, they finally came down from the laughing high, both breathless. Kenma assessed the situation a bit then decided it would be best to just try to yank his ankle free. Since Kuroo had already made it out a little bit past his shoulders, he could push against the ground with his hands and Kenma could pull his shoulders. Kenma crouched down in front of Kuroo and wrapped his arms as if giving him a hug under his arms. Kenma blushed at the compromising position, but he could see Kuroo's look of embarrassment as well. They were each a blushing and awkward mess that neither were aware of.
"Okay, you ready Kuroo?" Kenma spoke quietly, not wanting his words to be too loud in Kuroo's ear. Kuroo couldn't help but feel his breath hitch as breathy words danced around his ear.
"Yeah," Was all Kuroo could muster without stuttering. Kuroo was having a hard time believing that Kenma just whispered in his ear. Let alone the fact that their faces were too close together for comfort.
"On the count of 3. 1...2...3!" Kenma dug his heels into the soft dirt and used all his leg strength, which wasn't much, to pull against the bush's tight grip. Kuroo gritted his teeth as his fingers clawed at the ground, trying to find something to pull against. Both boys' strength combined was just enough to loosen Kuroo's foot. But, the inertia of the pulling was overwhelming and Kuroo came flying forward through the bush. Kenma closed his eyes and felt Kuroo's impact on his own body. After a second of laying there, making sure the chain reaction was over, he opened his eyes.

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