~Chapter 9~

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Kuroo took a quiet, yet deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do. Kuroo stood up from his bed and walked over to Kenma, stopping only a few inches in front of his phone. Kenma looked up at Kuroo curiously.
Kuroo looked down at Kenma, eyeing his phone, "I really am sorry about this. I hope you can understand. And ultimately...forgive me," But before Kenma could react Kuroo had the phone in his own hands and was running. Kenma wasted no time in angrily following after him.
"Kuroo you asshole give that back!" Kenma yelled as he quickly descended the stairs.
"You'll have to catch me first," Kuroo retorted, swinging open the door as Kenma drew closer, "Close the door on your way out!" Kuroo called between laughs. The sound of the door frame meeting door filled in the silence behind him and Kenmas footfalls trailed in suit with his own. Kuroo slammed open the main exit door to the apartment building and ran—but just slow enough for Kenma to keep interested in catching him.

Kenma was too focused on getting his game back that he hadn't even realized it was just before sunset and Kuroo was leading them somewhere. Somewhere very special to them both; but for different reasons. They ran for a few more minutes until they were at the entrance to a certain park. Kenma finally caught up to Kuroo, who was waiting for him at the entrance.
Between heaves of breath Kenma managed to say "Kuroo Tetsuro, if you don't give that back to right now...-" Kenma stopped himself as he realized where they were. Kenma looked up at Kuroo who returned the look of shock with a soft smile and a shrug.
"It's been a while since you were outside. And this was the only way I thought I could get you out of the house. Here," Kuroo said, handing Kenma his phone back, "Come on. I want to take you in."
Kuroo reached out to Kenma but was surprised to see a face filled with fear and sadness and, many other indistinguishable emotions, gaze heavily down that all too familiar path. It was just down the main path then through some hollowed out bushes. The secret spot. The same field where Kuroo had found Kenma just 2 nights ago, crying over a certain orange-haired boy.
Shit, it might have been too early to bring him here. I should apologize and take him back home.
"Hey Ken', I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought you here. It's too soon. Let's go back," Kuroo's weight shifted to his back foot, beginning to turn back but Kenma stopped him with a pinch of his sweatshirt.
"The sunset is gonna be really pretty tonight. Plus we already came all the way out here. Why go back now?" Kenma was willing to face that place for Kuroo. Kuroo had tried so hard to get him out of the house and he didn't want it to be for nothing. Kenma looked up at Kuroo and smiled at seeing the look of pure exasperated love all over Kuroo's face.
"Let's go," Kenma grasped Kuroo's hand in his and led him down the path towards the field.

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