~Chapter 13~

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"I think that in celebration of me getting through that bush successfully without getting stuck, we should get ice cream. I know a really good secret spot," Kuroo suggested. Kenma smiled at his friend's words and agreed. poooolll
He was excited to spend more time with Kuroo but also felt guilty for making him stay. Kuroo quickly led the way to his favorite shop, hoping they were still open. It was a small cafeyf looking place closer to the outside of town. Outside hung a sign that read "X Marks the Spot" with a big red X painted right before the entrance as if marking the location to a hidden treasure chest.
"Is this pirate-themed ice cream or something, 'Roo?" asked Kenma as Kuroo opened the door for him.
"No, it's just a clever name. I happen to like it," Kuroo said with a swish of his hand.
They went up to the glass case and pointed out different flavors they wanted to try. Kenma tried the mint 'n chip but didn't like it so ended up getting half chocolate-peanut butter half cookie dough with rainbow sprinkles. Kuroo tried an assortment of flavors which included vanilla toffee, Honeycomb, raspberry sherbet and banana chocolate. Even after careful consideration of all the flavors, he ordered a rainbow sherbet because he's a dork. Kuroo paid for the ice cream, even after Kenma insisted he'd pay for his own and they walked down the street side by side. As they were walking, they came across a park bench and sat down to truly enjoy their ice cream. Kuroo finished his bowl first and stole multiple bites of Kenma's, earning protest from the smaller boy with each spoonful.
When Kenma (with Kuroo's heavily protested help) finally finished his ice cream, they started walking again. Kenma checked the time and read "8:26" out loud so that Kuroo could hear.
"It's getting pretty late, I should get home. Thanks again for today, Kuroo. I really had fun," Kenma started to turn to walk in the direction of his house but his arm was caught. Kuroo looked slightly confused. "What's wrong, Kuroo?"
"Nothing," Kuroo released his grip on Kenma's arm. "I just thought you were coming back to my place." Kuroo laughed it off and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. After hearing Kuroo's confession earlier, Kenma wondered if Kuroo actually wanted to spend the night with him again.
"Oh...you can come to my place if you want. It's closer than your is. And it could be dangerous walking home by yourself...." Kenma trailed off, hoping Kuroo would take the hint that he was too embarrassed to try to give any other excuses. Kuroo's face lit up slightly as he nodded his head in acceptance of Kenma's invitation.
They both knew where Kenma lived due to the long amounts of time they spent there; Kenma living in the space and Kuroo visiting often. The walk only took a few minutes but that short time was filled with heavy silence. Neither wanted to say anything to break the mood but also didn't want to add to the silence. The 2 found themselves at Kenma's front door before either had the guts to start a conversation. Kenma knelt down and retrieved the spare house key from under a potted plant. He had left everything but his phone and Hinata's sweatshirt at home that night, not expecting to be brought back to someone else's house. Kenma put the key in the door and turned, working the lock until the door swung open.
"Sorry, it's a really big mess. I was kinda drowning in my emotions before that night," Kuroo followed Kenma in and looked around. It really wasn't that messy; a few plates around, several pairs of shoes lazily thrown about, and an article of clothing here and there. Kenma made a lap around the small apartment living room and took all the dishes in one hand and put all the clothes in a pile by his bedroom door.
I'll do these tomorrow, Kenma decided while placing the dishes neatly in the sink.
Kenma watched Kuroo fall onto the couch and turn on the TV. It almost looked like he owned the place. But the real tenant was stalking up behind the welcome intruder to scare him. Just a few more silent steps and Kenma would be right behind Kuroo's head.

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