seven: girls night out (pt. two)

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*Charli POV*

I pick up my phone and opened the messages app.

To Boyfriend: Hey baby. Wanna go see a band tonight?

Brooke pulled up her phone and started tapping at the screen.

From Boyfriend: What band?

To Boyfriend: Remember the band from the battle? 5 Seconds Of Summer? 10 @ Dublin Castle

From Boyfriend: How did you find out about it?

To Boyfriend: The server at Yates is in the band; he invited us, and you boys

From Boyfriend: Why would he invite you?

To Boyfriend: I told him I was at the battle. He said to come and bring you boys

From Boyfriend: That's so creepy

To Boyfriend: He's a nice guy

I waited for a response for two minutes. He was replying instantly so I knew he was on his phone. I waited for a few minutes, before sending him another message.

To Boyfriend: Sooo... are you in or what?

From Boyfriend: I'll talk to the guys and let you know

I looked up at Brooke, who was still tapping quickly on her touchscreen. I coughed, and she looked up at me.

"Oh, um," she blushed, for what seems like the thousandth time tonight. "I told Niall about the show and how Michael invited us. He said he was in."

"And the other guys?" I ask, and as if on cue, my phone vibrated.

From Boyfriend: We're in. See you at 10? Love you xx

To Boyfriend: Yay! ILU See you in a bit babe

"They're all coming!" I giggle, earning a smirk from Brooke.

"Let's pay up, and make our way to the movies. It's-" she stopped, and looked down at her phone. "7:10 already. It starts in 20 minutes."

"Shit, that was fast!" I said, grabbing my wallet out of my purse, and sliding two twenty pound notes on the table.

"No, no, no. I said I'd pay for dinner!" Brooke scowled, and forced the bills back into my hand. "If you must, you can pay for the movie."

"Deal!" I giggled, placing my wallet back in my clutch.

We stood up, and made our way towards the door. Michael ran up to us and stood in blocked the exit. "So I'll see you two later tonight then?"

"We'll be there!" Brooke squeaked, linking her arm with mine as we moved around the crimson haired boy. "Bye Michael!"

"Bye ladies!"

We made our way out the door, and slowly walked the thirty seconds down the block to the Odeon.

When we got out front, we stared up at the giant pictures of Channing and Jonah plastered on the screen on the front of the building.

"Damn, Channing," Brooke mumbled. "I will always love you."

"Oh, gosh," I groaned, tugging her arm and pulling her into the building.

"Seriously. He should be called 'Charming Tatum' because, damn, that boy is one Prince Charming."

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