11: pranks & punches

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*Charli POV*

The rest of the car ride was silent as I drove to Niall's. I parked on the road, across the street from Niall's house. His driveway was full, seeing that both of his parents' cars and his own were in it.

"Niall said just to come inside when we get here. He left the door unlocked," he said, getting out of the car.

I followed him up the driveway, and through the front door that he held open for me.

"Thanks!" I grinned.

"No problem, Charli," he smiled, shutting the front door. "Let's go, shall we?"

We walked through the dimly lit corridor towards the garage door. He stopped right in front of it, making me bump into him. "Haz, what are you-"

"Shh!" he whispered, a devious grin appearing across his face. "What do you say we scare them?"

Really? Scare them? Are we 12? "Zayn won't fall for it. He doesn't get scared easily."

"So what if he doesn't? The others will," he quietly laughed. "Louis often gets scared of his own shadow. Sometimes when he sees it as he's walking down the street he jumps, thinking someone is following him."

"Seriously?" I covered my mouth to muffle the laugh. "What do you suppose we do?"

"Does that mean you're in?"

"I guess it does. Now how do you plan on scaring them?"

"Follow me," he grabbed my hand and pulled me back through the hallway. "This closet here, we can hide in it; and when they come out we can jump out and scare them!"

"How are we gonna get them out of the garage?"

"Well, there's no music playing, so odds are they're just sitting in there talking, waiting for us to show up. You get in the closet and I'll go slam the front door shut, and run in there with you to hide!"

"This is lame; but okay!"

"First, shut your phone off. We don't need it ringing and giving away our location if Zayn calls you."

"Have you been thinking about this much, Mr. Styles?"

"No, just like the last thirty seconds!"

I giggled, pulling my phone out of my purse. I held my finger down on the power button, waiting for the screen to go black, signaling the phone was off. I looked up to see Harry doing the same thing.

"Okay, now go get in there," he whispered, turning towards the front door. "Leave the door open though so I can get in and hide!"

I shook my head, making my way towards the closet and entering it. It was dark in here.

I heard the front door slam shut, and then the patting of feet outside the closet door. "Now, be quiet!" Harry whispered, as he shut the door, closing us in the small space.

"How long until-"

"What the fuck was that?" I heard someone shout. "Hello?"

I heard feet padding down the hallway, passing the closet door, continuing towards the front door.

"Hello?" they said again. "Hello?"

I silently giggled, and felt a large hand covering my mouth, and another one on my back. "Shh," he whispered into my ear. "Lou will hear you."

"Harry? Charli? Is that you?"

It was silent for a few minutes, before he spoke again. "Harry? If this is you, that's a sick joke mate."

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