47: drunk

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*Charli POV*

I couldn't help but stare at Harry while they performed. Being around him so much has allowed me to understand him so much more. I picked up on small things I hadn't ever noticed before, like the way he squints his eyes when he focuses on one thing in particular.

I couldn't help but laugh when his eyes narrowed in disgust every single time he caught Zayn sneaking a peak at me. He even at one point smacked him on the back of his head for letting his eyes linger a little too long on me.

Harry's gaze turned to me and the cutest grin appeared, causing me to smile back in return. I couldn't wipe it off my face if I was paid to.

If you didn't know what was going on, you'd think I was a crazy person. So as it is, Liam kept giving me weird looks, and Louis continually looked back and forth between the two of us. Near the end of the set, it was almost as if a light switched on in his head, and Lou's jaw dropped open. He pointed between Harry and myself before giving thumbs up, and pumping his fist.

I shrugged at his actions making him pout as he sang his line about playing a game that he's destined to lose. He laughed as I pretended to zip my lips and throw away an imaginary key. I then pointed to him and ran a finger across my neck signaling he'd be dead if he were not quiet. He stuck his tongue out and I rolled my eyes and turned back to my sister, "I'm gonna get a drink, so you want anything?"

"Maybe just a bottle of water?"

I nodded and stood up, heading to the bar. The creepy bartender from before made his way, a blank look on his face, "Haven't see you in a while. What can I get you?"

"Can I just get a bottle of water and a Coke?"

He nodded and stepped back, grabbing a glass and filling it with ice and soda. I dug through my purse for some money, handing him a five. "No, miss. Remember what I said-"

"I do remember what you said, but I'm not going to make you keep giving me free drinks," I smiled and picked up the drinks, heading back to Georgia.

I sat watching silently, and turned my head to the door when I saw it pop open. A familiar blonde head popped through the door and I tensed up. Georgia noticed how uncomfortable I was, and followed my stare towards the door.

She gave me a sympathetic smile, before sighing, "I had a feeling she would show up."

"I have to get used to it," I groaned and shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "If I can move on, he's allowed to."

I couldn't help but stare at her, watching her head of blonde hair walk farther into the room, sitting by herself at a table off on the other side of the bar, gazing up at the band.

"Hey, Char?" Georgia snapped her fingers in front of my face, pulling my attention back to our conversation. "You okay?"

"Yeah, let's not talk about this. I don't want it to ruin my night," I shrugged. Georgia smiled at me, and I turned away.

I looked over to see her awkwardly sitting by herself, her purse positioned on her lap. I felt a slight ting of hurt run through me knowing that I was the reason she was being out casted. I know I have to deal with this, with Perrie. If they're dating, I'm going to seeing her around often, so I might as well try to be civil.

There's no way to tell if she was truthful about not knowing about me. She swore she didn't know, but can I believe her? I mean, she stole my boyfriend from right under my nose, and then has the nerve to just parade around in front of me now that she knows we're broken up.

I don't know if I can forgive her quite yet or possibly ever, but I can give her the chance to try and earn it from me.

I still can't get over the fact that a couple months ago when I saw her in the bathroom with her friends, she was talking as if she didn't know him. Maybe she was fooling everyone with her innocent act, and her friends didn't even know him.

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