14: chase & celebrations

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*Charli POV*

"Excuse me fellas," I looked up to see Chase standing at the end of the booth. "I hate to interrupt, but I just wanna have a chat if you have some time."

"What's up Chase!?" Louis asked, sliding out of the booth. Eleanor followed, allowing me to exit behind, letting Zayn step out.

"Come with me, boys," he said, waving his hand for the guys to follow him.

"Where are we going?" Niall questioned, following behind.

"What do you think he's talking to them about?" I questioned, looking to my side at Eleanor. She shrugged her shoulders before picking up her drink and taking a sip from it.

The rest of us spoke quietly as we waited for the guys to come back. I looked up as I heard a shouting coming from the other end of the bar.

"Guess what!?" Harry shout as the guys stood at the end of the table. "You'll never guess what it is. But just guess!"

"You're either pregnant, or..." Brooke spoke, a sly grin appearing across her face. "You're getting signed on to play here every weekend?"

"Wait, who told you? It was Niall, wasn't it?" he asked, sticking his bottom lip out. I just rolled my eyes. "We weren't supposed to tell anyone until I made it to 12 weeks along."

Brooke spit her drink out, "Um, that's not the response I was expecting."

"Don't fuck with Styles," Harry smirked, sitting down in one of the chairs. "But yes, the second part is correct. We're gonna play here every weekend!"

"That's fantastic, boys!" Michael grinned.

"Thanks, Mike!" Harry laughed, turning back towards Brooke. "Brookie, you know guys can't really get pregnant, right?"

"Shit, really?" Zayn mocked, sitting down next to Louis in the booth. "Charli, we've been doing it wrong then!"

"Zayn, shut up!" I hissed, my face continuing to redden. "You're so embarrassing."

"Guys, I told the bar to keep the drinks coming!" Niall said, carrying a tray full of shots over. "Lets celebrate this! We have steady shows!"


A few hours and an unknown number of shots later, it was needless to say the lot of us was having a good time. A few people had left, which left us with Harry, Niall, and Michael who seemed to enjoy having Brooke sitting on his lap.

"All right everybody!" the familiar female's voice boomed throughout the bar. "It's time we closed up shop. That means it's time for you to leave this joint!"

"Is it already two in the morning?" Zayn asked, cringing at the shrill voice that had just spoken. "We should probably head home then, yeah?"

"I don't want to," I pouted, cowering into Zayn's side. "I'm having funnn."

"Well, what do you say we all get out of here and head back to my place?" he asked, looking up at the other four people at the table. "We can continue this celebration there!"

"How are we gonna get there?" Niall asked. "We're all pretty sloshed."

"Yeah, and Brooke and I came with the boys, who left already," Michael added.

"If you don't mind squishing in my car, I can drive us back," Zayn shrugged. "I've only had one beer all night. I figured I would be driving tonight anyways."

"Sick!" Niall cheered, standing up and bolting towards the exit.

"Sooo, it's settled then?" Brooke slurred, following suit with Niall and standing up from the booth. "We're heading to your place to continue this partyyy?"

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