12: charlotte & a crazy girl

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*Charli POV*

When Harry and I entered the garage, Zayn was sitting on the couch in the corner of the small room. A frown covered his beautiful face. His legs were pulled up to his chest, and his phone was in his hands.

I made my way over to him, and gingerly sat down next to him. "Hey."

"Hello," he mumbled, not looking up from his phone.

"Zayn," I spoke quietly as I moved myself closer to him. He didn't budge from his spot. "Zayn?"

There was silence between us, before he hissed, "What? What do you want, Charlotte?"

Charlotte? Oh, this boy is pissed. No one calls me Charlotte. When Gram gets mad, she doesn't even call me by my full name. That may be partially because not many people actually know that my name is Charlotte. I always hated it. When I got to high school, I told everyone my name was Charli. No one calls me Charlotte anymore.

"Zayn, are you okay love?" I questioned, scooting even closer to him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Please don't bother me right now," he mumbled, standing up and walking towards the four boys at the other side of the room.

My eyes moved over to Harry, who was taking his laptop out of the large bag, along with random cables and devices.

"Niall, can you grab your guitar for me?" Harry asked, as he plugged one final cable into the MacBook.

"Sure thing, Haz," Niall smiled, walking over to the doorway and picking up the case. He brought it over beside Harry, and knelt down to open it.

"Here, plug this into the jack," Harry handed him one end of a cable, as he plugged the other end into his computer. He moved his right hand onto the track pad of the device, and fiddled around with it, until a program opened. "Ni, play something. Um, Moments? Just start from the beginning, so I can screw around with the settings on this."

The familiar tune started up, as I watched the two boys messing around.

There was a dip in the couch, and when I looked up, blue eyes were staring at me. "Hey."

"Hi Lou," I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" he asked, leaning back in his spot.


"Nothing? I find that quite hard to believe," he chuckled softly. "I've known you for quite some time young lady, and I highly doubt that nothing is wrong."

He's right. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Care to talk with Uncle Louis?"

"Lou, you're not my uncle," I laughed smacking him lightly on the arm. He laughed as well, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, giving me a sideways hug.

"Charli, what's up?" he asked, more serious this time.

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I think Zayn is mad about the prank. He won't talk to me; he's just ignoring me. When I came to say hi to him, he got up and walked away."

"Maybe he's just upset?"

"No, he seems pissed."

"Just give him some time, maybe it's just the shock?"

"I don't know. He isn't usually like this. You've known him for a bit, have you seen him act like this?"

"No, but then again I've never scared the living daylights out of him."

"Shut it, Tommo," I narrowed my eyes in an attempt to be angry, but he saw right through it.

"Ooh, I'm so scared," he laughed, patting me on the back. "Just give him time."

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