22: you lot are the worst

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*Charli POV*

"Charli, why didn't you tell us your sister was so pretty?" Eleanor asked, smiling at Georgia. "You never talk about her."

"I didn't think you would meet her, to be honest," I shrugged. "She lives in Canada. Her trip here was quite sudden, so I didn't have time to tell anyone about it."

"How long are you staying Georgia?" Louis asked, curiosity written across his features.

"At least for the rest of summer," she smiled at him. "I'm not in classes right now, so I figured I'd come home for a bit."

"Oh! Will you be coming to our show this Friday?" he questioned, stuffing some more chips into his mouth. "I'm sure Charli told you about it?"

"Yeah she did, and if I'm allowed to come I'd love to," she grinned, looking towards me. "Is that okay, Char?"

"That's fine with me," I laughed. "I was going to be going anyways."

"So you'll get to see us perform," Niall said, peeking at her out of the corner of his eye. "That's cool."

"Are you girls going Friday?" Georgia asked looking between Eleanor and Sophia, as she took a sip of her water.

"No," Eleanor sighed, placing a small smile on her lips. "Sophia and I are actually heading to New York Thursday night."

"New York?" my jaw dropped. "Wow! What for?"

"Well, I have a photography job set up with work for the film festival there," she smiled. "Soph has always wanted to go, so we figured it would be awesome if we both went together."

"Plus, no one likes eight hour flights by themselves," Sophia chuckled.

"Tell me about it," Georgia laughed. "It's quite boring. I'm glad the plane had televisions in the seats because I would have been so bored without any entertainment."

"I have about 15 movies loaded on my iPad, so I should be good. We'll probably sleep quite a bit of it," Sophia spoke.

"I slept for a bit after we took off, but then got bored of that," Georgia smiled. "You'll love New York though. How long are you there for?"

"We're going for two weeks! We have the whole first week to sightsee. I have to work the Wednesday-Saturday the week after we get there; and then I'm off the few days after that as well."

"I only went for a weekend, so I missed out on a lot of things, but I want to go back so bad. You're going to have an amazing time!"

"So you're going to be there for your birthday?" I asked, a small frown popping up on my face.

"Yes, which will suck being away from Lou for it, but I come home the next day. I'm just excited for everything while I'm there."

"That sounds like fun," Zayn added. "That's one place Charli has always told me she wants to visit."

"Well, whenever I go back to Toronto, you can come visit, and we can go there!"

I nodded a smiled, continuing to eat the rest of my burger.

"After we're done paying, we should head over to my place. My parents are still in Mullingar," the Irish accent spoke.

"That sounds like fun," Georgia smiled up at him.

Once we paid, we piled into the three cars, and started our travels to Niall's house.

"So Georgia," Harry started talking, turning his body and looking into the back seat. "Niall yeah?"

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