32: encounter with the devils mistress

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*Charli POV*

"I have to pee," I groaned. The guys we're halfway through their set, and I surprisingly had done quite well so far.

Zayn had attempted to make eye contact with me on several occasions, and finally o got fed up and flipped him off with both hands, and he seemed to have gotten the picture. I noticed Harry laugh when he saw it happen.

"I'll come with you," Georgia smiled.

Eleanor had shown up just after the boys went on, and was sitting with us. Neither Georgia nor myself told her anything, and she hasn't seemed to pick up on the fact that I'm not really paying attention.

The two of us stood up and head to the bathrooms. As soon as I got to the door I froze. The last time I was here, just over 24 hours ago, and it was as if my heart was ripped out of my chest.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm right here, I'm not going to leave," Georgia coaxed.

I hesitantly pushed the door open, peering into the white room. There seemed to be no one in here, and I sighed in relief.

"See? We're fine. I'll be right here waiting for you."

I smiled and walked into a stall, quickly emptying my bladder contents into the toilet. The door creaked open from outside the stall, and I panicked. "Georgia? Are you still there?"

"Yes, I'm still here."

I sighed and pulled up my leggings, hurrying out of the stall. I walked up to the sink and started washing my hands.

I decided to look up in the mirror to check out my assumed zombie-like reflection. I didn't look too bad. My eyes were obviously still red and puffy, which is understandable.

My hair was thrown into a messy bun on the top of my head, random pieces having fallen out at some point during my hair pulling frustration. I attempted to push a few of the strands back in the elastic, but ended up tugging more hairs out. I sighed loudly and ended up leaving it as is. I'm not trying to impress anyone.

I looked to the girl next to me who was fixing her makeup, and I froze on the spot.

The blonde bitch from last night stood there, reapplying another coat of red lipstick to her already layered lips. I glared at her, contemplating if I should smash her face down on the counter right then and there.

I decided otherwise, and simply reached for a random cup someone had left on the counter. I emptied the contents out of it and filled it with water from the tap.

"Char! No!" Georgia shout, but it was too late.

Before I knew what I was doing, I had poured the glass of water over her head and set the empty glass back down on the countertop. She let out a squeal as I turned and walked away.

"What the hell was that for, you bitch!?" her shrill voice echoed in the small room.

She had no clue who I was from behind, so I turned and gave her a stare. If my looks were to kill, she would have been done over a hundred times by now.

Her eyes widened as she took in my sight. The red puffy eyes were probably what did it for her, and she placed a look of sadness across her expression.

"Honey, I'm so sorry. I didn't know-"

"Save it, and don't call me honey," I hissed. "I don't need to hear your excuses."

"I just wanted to let you know-"

"Do you not understand English? I don't want to fucking hear what you have to say. But how dare you fucking come back here. How dare you show your face here less than 24 hours after the fact? You have absolutely no right to just come in here and act all high and mighty."

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