bonus: the wedding

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• c h a r l i •

Saturday September 10, 2016

"Mum, I honestly don't think I can do this," I mumble, my leg bopping up and down nervously as my hair is being styled.

"Honey, of course you can. This is Harry we're talking about," she takes a seat in front of me and reaches for my hands. "Just take a deep breath. When you woke up this morning, you were so excited about getting married to him. I know that deep down inside, you're still excited about it, just a bit more nervous now that the time is creeping up closer."

"No, I can't. I don't care; I'm not made for marriage. You can't force me into this," I hiss, glaring slightly at her.

Her head turns and she nods at my sister before she leaves the room. There's an awkward silence between my mother and I now, where I feel extremely bad for almost yelling at her mere moments ago. She doesn't deserve this.

"I'm sorry," I sigh, looking up at her with pleading eyes. "I just can't go through with this, Mum."

Georgia pops back in and smiles widely, "Sorry ladies, but I need you to leave for a moment. You too, mum."

A few grunts are heard from the group before I watch them pile out of the small tent.

"Georgie, what are you doing?" I ask, watching her step closer to me, turning the chair I was seated in to face the wall of the tent.

"Please stay seated. Don't turn around, don't make any movements, or I will kill you, and you won't have to worry about bailing on this wedding," she chuckles to herself, making my eyes roll back in my head.

"What are you-"

"Shut it, Charli," she hisses. Footsteps padding across the floor are heard, before the creaking of the door opening up floods the small confines of the room.

"Walk in backwards. Yes, just like that. Don't peek, Harry."

"Harry?" I move to spin around but I'm stuck in my seat when my sister yells.

"Charlotte, sit down now or I'll shave your head bald."

My eyes widen as I slump back into the chair, hearing the footsteps move closer. "Can I trust you two to not peek at each other? You need some time to talk for a few minutes, but I want to leave it just between the two of you. Husband and wife stuff," she mumbles, earning mumbles of yes from both of us. "I'll be right outside watching. Not listening, just watching. If I see either of you peek, I'll murder both of you."

"You're so vicious today, sissy," I giggle, and with that the sound of the drapes being shut resonates through the tent.

"Why am I here?" Harry's voice is the first to break the silence. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lie, knowing he won't buy it one bit but attempting it anyways. "Nothing at all."

"Bullshit, Charli. Spill."

"I can't do this," I sigh, burying my face in my hands.

"Do what?" he asks quietly.

"This. I can't get married." I'm positive that I can hear the sound of his heart breaking, but it may just be mine. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. Sorry that I'm not going to let you leave until you're married to me," he chuckles slightly before I hear footsteps and his hand reaching around and grasping onto my shoulder. "It's just nerves, princess. I felt the same way, before I realized that what we're doing today is making this commitment between the two of us even stronger than it already is. There hasn't been a day where we haven't seen each other since we started dating four and a half years ago. I've grown to love you so much more than I could have ever imagined I'd feel about someone.

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