three: band practice

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*Charli POV*

"Well, if it isn't Hazza," Louis grinned at his best friend. "Have a seat, mate."

"I'm just in here to grab a meal to go," Harry replied, looking over at Louis. "Although, I should've known you would be here. Niall dragged you guys, right?"

"Hey Haz," Niall mumbled through a mouthful of food. He lifted the chicken wing he was eating and pointed it at Harry. "Don't you start hating on Nando's now."

"Don't worry, Ni," Harry laughed, exposing his dimples. "I'm not going to."

"Fuck." Those dimples always got me.

"What's that, babe?" Zayn questioned, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and looking at me.

"Wha-" Shit. Did I say that out loud? I turned to look at him, and smiled. "Nothing."

"Would you two just get married already?" Louis asked, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Whoa, Lou. You've got to stop with the marriage thing," Zayn said. "No one's getting married."

Any time the topic was brought up; Zayn would always push it away.

I mean, yes. I did just graduate from high school. He's 21, and just turned 18. I definitely could see myself getting married to him, but right now I feel like we're way too young to step into that part of our relationship.

Zayn is the only boy I've ever been with; and the night we first made love will always be remembered.

But come on. I'm 18 for crying out loud! This isn't the 1800's where it's acceptable to get married at such a young age. I want to go to University, get a job in my field, and then start thinking about marriage.

But somehow, I feel that Zayn will never want to get married. I've brought it up, and like always, he just kind of brushes it off, and switches the topic. I'm not going to pressure him into talking about it. When he wants to, it will happen.

"Sorry," Louis mumbled.

I looked back at Harry, who was passed a to go bag by the cashier, as he handed her a twenty.

"Guys, we should catch up soon," Harry said as he walked up to our table. "It's been a while."

"I'd like that very much," Liam politely smiled.

"I'd like that very much too," Dylan mocked.

"Haz, you should come to our show on Friday," Louis spoke. "It's a battle of the bands gig."

"Maybe," he smiled, the dimples appearing so deeply. "I'll see you guys soon."

We waved and said goodbye as Harry exited the restaurant.

"Come on, guys," Zayn said, standing up from the table. "If we don't go practice now, we're never going to get this song ready for the battle of the bands gig in two days."

"Fine," the four other guys sighed, standing from the table.

"Can I get this chicken to go?" Niall shout to Emerson.

"Come on babe," Zayn smiled, holding his hand out to help me up from the table. We all exit the restaurant, standing on the curb waiting for Niall to get his take out food.

"No, Dylan," Liam scolded. "You're going to break you arm or something."

"Li, I guarantee you that I can jump over this parking meter," Dylan said, backing up from the object. "Twenty pounds says I can do it."

I rolled my eyes at them, and turned back towards Zayn. "I love you," I said, holding both of his hands in mine, and leaning in for a kiss.

"I. Love. You," he said back, in between kisses. "Always will."

Then there was a scream.

"Uh, guys. I hate to break up this Kodak moment," Louis interrupted. "But Dylan fell down. And he's crying. And he wont stop it."

"I told you not to do it!" Liam shouted, pulling out his phone to call an ambulance.


I didn't know Harry could sing. I was quite surprised when he showed up to the boys' rehearsal.

"Why's Harry here?" I questioned.

"He's filling in for Dylan for tomorrow's performance, babe," Zayn looked at me, smiling.

"Oh." I mean, it took Dylan almost a month to learn the lyrics to this song. How will Harry do it?


I sat on the couch in Niall's garage, as the boys practiced their song. I was quite surprised that Harry knew all the lyrics in the song. I don't know when the boys spoke to him, but somehow he knew when and what he had to sing. And he sounded like an angel singing.

"Harry man, that sounds perfect," Zayn grinned. "I can't believe how quickly you learnt the lyrics. It must have taken Dylan almost a month to learn them!"

"Dude, your voice is killer," Niall said, giving Harry a high five.

"Dylan? Who is Dylan?" Louis asked. He scratched the side of his head. "I don't know a Dylan."

"Harry, I had no clue you could sing!" I said, looking towards him.

"Yeah, I guess so," Harry blushed. "I just don't like telling people that, because all they'll want me to do is sing."

"You're a better singer than Dylan. Honestly," I confessed. "Like, I mean a lot. Dylan sounds like Mike Tyson compared to you."

"Alright, stop embarrassing the poor guy," Louis said, walking over and patting Harry on the back. "Let's call it a night. I've got a hot date."

"With who, your hand?" Liam asked.

"Liam, go fuck yourself," Louis growled. He pulled his phone and screamed. "SHIT! I'm late. I've got to go meet Eleanor. She's going to be pissed."

Louis ran out of the garage towards his car. "Bye losers!"

I rolled my eyes, and pulled my legs up to my chest. I looked at Zayn, who was walking over to the couch. He sat down beside me, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him.

I smiled, grasping his hand with mine and placed a kiss on his knuckles.

"But seriously, we still need to figure out a name," Liam said. "We can't go into this without a name. It's all about the name."

"We get it, you want a name," Niall said. "What about Nando's?"

"NO!" All of us shout at the same time, earning glances from other people in the venue.

"Niall, for the last time. The band is NOT going to be called Nando's!" Liam said, staring at Niall.

"Why don't we just call ourselves The Band You're About To Hear?" Louis chuckled.

"What about One Direction?" Harry asked.

"What?" Niall asked.

"One Direction."

"Wait, that's actually kind of a sick name," Niall shout.

"Not too bad, Styles," Zayn said, shooting him a quick smile.

"Not too bad, Zayn? It's great!" Liam exclaimed.

"So, is that what we're going with then?" I questioned. "We should probably tell Lou then."

"We're One Direction!" Harry shout, a huge grin appearing on his face.


Authors Note:

Part threeeeeee! I'm actually quite excited with where this story is headed. I have a few chapters written so far, and I'm loving this.

I haven't written anything in several years, so please bear with me if something's off.

As always, your comments and votes are appreciated!

Thank you all for reading this so far! <3

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