nine: first gig & bitches

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*Charli POV*

The guys were supposed to start at 9:00. It was currently 8:50, and we were all waiting off to the side of the stage.

"Well boys, this is it!" Niall grinned, showing almost all of his teeth. "Can you believe this is our first legit show as One Direction?"

"We owe it all to Harry," Liam smiled, patting Harry on the back and making him blush. "Mate, we honestly would be nowhere if it wasn't for you. I speak for me and the others, when I say that if you weren't here, we also wouldn't be."

"Li, stop," Harry ducked his head down.

"Haz, it's okay if you're blushing," Louis laughed. "Hell, I would be too!"

"Thanks guys," Harry said, slowly lifting his head up and smiling. "But in all honesty, you are the original band. I was just a guy helping out his mates in a pickle."

"A pickle?" Niall perked up. "Wait a minute. You don't by chance have one, do you?"

"No, Niall," Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Let's go do this."

"Good luck, boys," I said, detangling myself from Zayn's side.

"Oh, Charli!" Liam hollered. "I forgot you were here!"

I had remained quiet throughout this conversation, and I wasn't surprised that they forgot I was there.

"That's okay," I laughed. "I'll be at the back."

The five boys turned and huddled in a circle as I walked off through the crowd of people. I stopped at the bar, picking myself up a bottle of water before walked off to the back, and plopping myself down at a booth. I am not drinking tonight. Not after the last two times we went out.

Just as I sat down, my phone beeped. I dug through my purse to find the device. I smiled when I read the message.

From Mike: Charles! Looks like its just me and Ash tn. Just parking the car out front.

I laughed and quickly typed a response.

To Mike: Okay! I'm at one of the booths, come find me!

I put my phone back in my purse and waited for Michael and Ashton to arrive. I glanced towards the stage, seeing the boys had made their way onto it, Niall picking up his guitar.

"Charles!" I heard the familiar accent ring through the room. I smiled, looking over at the two boys walking towards me.

"Hi Mike! Hi Ash!" I grinned, waving at them. They made their way over to the booth and sat down across from me.

"I wonder what these new songs are like!" Michael thought out loud.

"They're probably going to put us to shame, no doubt," Ashton frowned.

"Guys, stop doing that to yourselves!" I giggled and rolled my eyes. "You are two completely different bands, your songs are just as good as theirs!"

"Thanks, Charles!" Michael grinned.

"Please welcome One Direction to the stage!" a deep, thick accent boomed through the speakers.

The three of us cheered as Niall started strumming his guitar.


The boys had finished their set, and were all crowded around the small six-person booth.

"That was wonderful boys," I said, a huge grin appearing on my face. "The new songs are marvelous!"

"Thanks, babe," Zayn said, leaning in for a quick kiss.

"Guys, that was awesome, but we've got to get going," Ashton cut in, pointing to Michael. "We've got a show tomorrow in Manchester, so we have to get a good nights sleep!"

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