bonus: the reception

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• c h a r l i •

Nerves set in as we walked back to the tent together. Other than the first few brief moments we had in the tent before Louis attempted to disturb us, this was the only time we've had so far for just us.

I know that today is a big deal, and honestly I just want to spend time with Harry. Even though I have the rest of our lives to be with him, it feels like I can't get enough of him, and I have this strange urge to be with him all the time.

Since I found out I was pregnant, it's made this need even stronger. I don't know how I've been able to hide it from him for so long, but I feel like this will be my wonderful gift for him.

The one thing I'm not fond of is that I don't like the fact that I let it slip to the girls earlier. Other than Perrie, and my doctor obviously, I wanted Harry to be the next one to know. He is the father, of course. But with the nerves from everything going on today, it just slipped out.

I know I need to tell him during the reception, I just don't know when to do it.

"Are you okay, princess?" Harry cautiously asks, halting his movements and looking down at me. His eyes flicker with worry and I send him a smile and a nod to let him know everything is okay. "You're just quiet. It's not you."

"I'm just thinking," I admit. It's not a lie at all, I am thinking. Thinking about our baby growing inside me. My hand subconsciously darts down to rub my stomach, and his eyes follow my movements.

"You not feeling good?" his tone is filled with care, and he pulls me against his chest. "Maybe you just need to eat. If I know you, and I really do, I know you haven't eaten today because you don't want to make yourself sick over things."

I nod in agreement, signaling to him that he is indeed correct. I take in a deep breath and hug my husband back, "Harry, we finally did it. We're finally married."

"I know," he breathes, hot air puffing across the top of my head. "Five years later and I grow to love you more and more each day."

"I love you so much. At times I don't think it's possible for someone to love another person as much as I do to you, but I know that both of us feel the same, so I don't ever worry about it."

"Nor should you, Charli. You know, without a doubt that I am unconditionally in love with you, and that I will never stop. Today just makes it more prominent, and I promise you that I will always love you."

I say nothing, just tilt my head up to meet his lips in a soft kiss.

"Let's head inside, Mrs. Styles," he hums quietly.

I nod and slip his jacket off my shoulders, helping him slip it back on. I manage to take the veil out of my hair without messing it up, and drop it off in the dressing tent before we end up at the main tent.

We stop at the entrance and look at each other, before slipping into the small opening of a door.

All eyes are on us as the DJ announces our arrival, "Please welcome Mr. And Mrs. Harry Styles, everyone!"

Loud shouts and applause fill the grand tent, as we make our way across the dance floor hand in hand to the head table.

We position ourselves in the middle, Harry sitting on my left, and Georgia on my right. To Harry's left is Louis, who gives him a quick handshake before picking up his bottle of beer and taking a sip.

In front of us, are two filled champagne flutes, and I notice the slight difference in the two colours. Mine is slightly darker and bubblier, signaling that the women in my bridal party have already filled mine with ginger ale.

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