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Chapter 3

Sapnap looked at the letter in his trembling hand with shock and regret. Bad had called a meeting for everyone in the SMP, stating that it was urgent. So, here they were at the community house, where everything started.

He didn't expect Bad to drop a bomb on them this big, "Guys... Dream's dead." Bad sobbed as his husband comforted him.

A long silence fell upon the room, Bad's crying the only thing they heard.

Finally, Ant spoke, "Bad, he's known for disappearing from time to time. He can't be dead."

"You- you don't understand," Suddenly, Bad threw letters on the ground in front of them. All of them were addressed to someone.

Everyone picked up theirs, they opened it up and looked through it. And as he went to read his, Ant's sobs joined Bad, along with Callahan, Alyssa, and Ponk. Tubbo then stood up and ran out as Tommy yelled and followed him. He looked over at George who was still shocked his mouth agape as his face held a look of disbelief.

And finally, he read the letter, eyes scanning the pages that grew more and more frustrated as it reached the end. Silent tears dripped down his face as marched over to Bad, "Bad! Tell me this is a joke! It's a sick prank right?! You, Dream, and Skeppy are doing this to troll with us again, aren't you?" He let out a small laugh as more tears dripped down his face, while Bad only sobbed harder and Skeppy looked at him with a face that said 'quit it.'

He felt like destroying something. This was a joke! Dream isn't dead!

"Bad! Please! Tell me he's alive!" He yelled, frustrated tears dripping down his face. In anger, he grabbed Bad and gripped his shoulders hard causing the older to yelp in surprise and pain. That was going to bruise.

"B-bad, this isn't funny anymore! Please, Bad." He choked as he tried to compose himself.

Skeppy went to push him away, but Bad shook his head to his husband, who backed off. The older only gave him a sad look, then brought the him to his chest. He cried as Bad ran his fingers through his hair.

"I told him, I didn't want to be friends anymore... Bad, it's my fault. Oh my god."

He embraced the older as he cried, mourning the loss of someone special.

Dear Sapnap,

We've been friends for longer than anyone else and as much as I support your relationship with Karl. I can't help, but notice we've been drifting further apart these days. Our usual banter's gone and the more days that pass the more we talk less.

I'm a selfish person, you told me this before. I'm sorry I made it seem like I didn't care. Everything I did was for you and George, I thought you would understand that.

As selfish as I am, I hate seeing you with other people. I hate that you found someone you find better to spend your time with other than us. You're so selfish as well. How could you replace me so easily? Am I really worth nothing to you even after all we've been through? I wish you stayed. Why did you leave me?

I hate you.

- Dream


After a few days, he was feeling a lot better.

Techno had gone away to do an errand and had left him in the cottage with a note that he would be back. The pig hid his weapons somewhere around the place but he couldn't find where.

He didn't bother tearing down walls for his weapons as he knew Techno would just give them back, eventually. For the next few days, he decided to expand the cottage and make it feel more like home. He had taken building lessons from Tubbo, Puffy, and his hus-... Fundy, so he was pretty good now.

He didn't have to worry about food as Techno left steak on the table and some cooked potatoes.

Though, he was bored. He knew at some point someone would look for him and see the letters. Then, he'd be proclaimed dead throughout the SMP. A dark part of him wanted to watch his friends' faces as they read the letters. Knowing his death was in their hands.

He distracted those thoughts when he found an abandoned ball while chopping down wood with a wooden axe.

He was throwing it at the door of the cottage and it bounced back and he caught it. This continued for a while, and just when the door opened he had thrown the ball and it landed or more like smacked into the pig's unarmored stomach.

"What in the name of Notch are you doing?" Techno winced.

He may have been letting his frustrations out on the ball, "I'm sorry, I got bored of waiting."

He tried to play it off innocently, to which the pig only rolled his eyes and motioned for him to follow to the kitchen, "Did you eat yet?" The other asked him and he groaned.

"The food was cold, I didn't want it," He grumbled as he followed Techno to the kitchen.

"Well, I can't leave a suicidal person with a furnace and knives hanging around."

"I can be trusted," He whined as he sat down to watch the hybrid cook.

"When you earn my trust, I'll let you have the luxury of eating hot meals while you wait for me to get home."

Why did that sound so nice to hear?

"I'm not a housewife."

"Don't you cook for your husband?" He felt his mood plummet when he heard the fox's name.

"Fundy... cooks for me," He replied glumly as he fiddled with his nails, "and we got divorced a week ago."

Good thing Techno knew not to push on the topic and instead moved on to something else.

"You expanded and decorated."

He was proud of what he did, he didn't mind talking about it, "I only improved what you did."

"I wouldn't mind living here," The hybrid nodded to himself as he brought over two plates of food to him then sat down.

"I wouldn't mind either, since I don't have anywhere to go," He sighed out.

As they ate and chatted, he couldn't help but feel like he could get used to this.


end of chapter 3

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