Owning You

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Chapter 12

[NSFW Warning]

Dream sat on the couch, fiddling with the rings on his finger, absentmindedly. He loves the intricate designs on them, Fundy handcrafted them himself.

He took the golden ring off and a sad smile graced his face as he saw what was written inside.

My be-all and end-all

It made him feel warm whenever he looked at it. Made him feel that he was Fundy's endgame, his only love. He pressed a soft kiss on the ring and placed it back.

"Dream," He closed his eyes as he felt arms wrap around him, a soft kiss was placed on his neck.

"You came back with news, perhaps?" Sighing, he forces himself to turn around and face the other.

"Big news," The hybrid plopped himself next to him on the couch and pulled him close.

"Tell me," He rested his head on the other's chest, relaxing.

The pig grasped his neck and gently forces him to look up, "Maybe, I want payment first."

A small huff left him but he still inched closer to capture the other's lips. He parted his lips and let the other's tongue enter, letting himself be controlled and used.

"Is that enough?" He pulled away, wiping the string of saliva that dripped from the side of his mouth.

Techno's hands landed on his waist and forced him to grind down on the other's growing erection, a groan left both of them at the action.

Red eyes filled with desire met him and with a growl, "I want the full payment, Dream."

"We did it this morning-" He tried to argue, it was true though. They had yet to brew more potions and he was still sore. Techno went to L'manburg to buy more supplies for them. They haven't brewed anything yet.

"Then how about you set the pace?" The hybrid offered impatiently.

He bit his lip, thinking about it. Either way, the pig would just take what he wants.

"Okay..." And with that he pulled the other to another kiss heated and sensual. He pulled away after to trail kisses down the pig's neck trying to slow down the process and hoping Techno would just get bored.

The hybrid of course knew what he was doing and pulled him off, "Pants off."

A whimper left him but he followed the other's command, taking them off and chucking them somewhere. He sat back down on the other's lap, wrapping his arms around the hybrid.

Techno placed his hands back, tightening the grip on his waist and he saw the way the hybrid's eyes softened, "You don't have to."

He grinds on the other's crotch and a moan left him, he was too far gone. To hell with the soreness, he'll deal with that later.


They've been going at it for two hours already, he told Dream to slow down whenever the blond would get close to finishing and faster again.

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