A Last Letter

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Chapter 19

Every time Dream touches his lips the taste comes back, the feelings return stronger. It was the next day, they didn't talk much about what happened. Only giving each other small touches throughout the day.

It was inevitable, what was about to happen.

"You just want to kill, Fundy?" Techno quirks a brow at him.

"He's mine," He replies, the pig gave him a blank look and he snickers, "My kill, I meant."

"Good, because you're mine not his," The hybrid grumbles, and a small smile etched his face.


He places the brooch on his green hoodie, which he finally gets to wear again, and tied the porcelain mask he hasn't worn for a year on his head.

Finally, he's getting what he wants.

The sun was starting to set, they watch everyone having fun. They hear the music of an on-going festival from right outside the forest. How pitiful, on their happiest moments it's all going to come to an end.

He watches as Techno places the wither skulls in, he takes in a deep breath, they look at each other for a brief second before the last skull was placed and a wither was spawned.

He hears the taunting in his head, the craving for revenge and chaos. He nods to the other who started placing more withers.

Then he grabs a torch and he walks forward, out the forest.

Screams drowned out the up-beat music as the first wither started attacking, the torch felt light in his hand as he burns down the decorations and houses.

He was enjoying it, watching everything burn down. Everyone was too distracted to notice him, too busy dealing with the withers.

Fireworks exploded from afar, he smiles at himself knowing the pig was letting out the pent-up bloodlust.

"Dream?" He turns around, pointing an axe to the voice, to find Niki and Puffy looking at him with narrowed eyes and bewilderment.

He grits his teeth and backs away, "I—..."

"Dream—" He receives a bone-crushing hug from Puffy and he flinches not used to the affection.

"I don't care—... I'm just happy you're alive," Puffy sobs in his shoulder, and his eyes soften to hug her back before pushing her away. He can't have this.

"I don't deserve you—" He has to push her away.

Puffy looks at him desperately, "Wait—"

"Go, before I kill you," he points the axe at them once again.

Niki and Puffy stare at him and he wonders why they refused to move, he wonders why they still looked at him with a small smile.

"I'm serious."

Puffy grabs the axe and presses it closer to her. His hands shook and he gulps.

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