Sparks Ignite

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Chapter 13

It was a cold night, Dream was playing tag with Techno in the forest. He wanted to test his skills against the other and he was cocky enough to put a bet on it.

A timer of thirty minutes was set, if Techno wins he gets to do him as much as he wanted, it doesn't matter if he was spent and if he wins he gets to do whatever he wants with the other. All for tonight.

That's what led him to this, jumping from branch to branch on the trees, trying to get a head start. He wants to make Techno pay for the last few times they did it. The other always pushed him to his limits and made him pass out.

"I'm going to use him as a footstool," He mutters angrily as he climbs up a tall tree to get a higher view and advantage.

One of the conditions to the game was that Techno had a compass pointing to his location at any moment. It would be unfair if he just dug down and hid there for the rest of the game.

He sat there at the top on guard and listening for any movements. A rustle of leaves alerted him and sent him sprinting off.

He saw the red cape on the corner of his eye, following closely behind. Damn, he was quick.

Blood pumped through his veins as an excited smile found its way to his face. He missed this, he missed the thrill of being chased. He maneuvered his way from tree to tree trying to lose the hybrid.

This was exhilarating, especially now that there was something on the line.

This was his game, he's supposed to dominate this.

A flash of coldness hit him as the memories of his friends playing manhunt crossed his mind. It caused him to stumble a bit and missed his jump. He watched in panic as the world slowed down and he fell.

He closed his eyes as he braced himself for impact, he crashed to the ground, stumbling down a hill.

"Ugh," He cried, all he felt was the pain. Actually aside from his arm, it was numb. He tried to move it but immense pain struck him. Never mind, everything hurts.

There was a rustling in the bushes and he figured Techno found him so he just huffed already accepting his loss. He doesn't want to play anymore, just ready to get healed and used tonight.

"Skeppy, it came from here?" His eyes widened as he saw the sight of Bad and Skeppy coming out the bushes.

Wait, how far did he run? The forest was huge so it's possible he ran from the cottage towards Badlands, which is bad.

He tried to hide in the pile of leaves hoping they'd go away at some point and not notice him. Unfortunately, they did.

"Skeppy! I think someone's injured over there," He cringed and tried to hide his face behind his non-injured hand as the two approached him.

Maybe, he should've worn his green hoodie but alas it was in the laundry, he blames that on Techno. He was in plain sight wearing the blood god's top.

"Hey, we're not here to hurt you," He tried to at least scramble to get away when they got in front of him, that didn't get him far as pain struck him again.

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