Chapter 3

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Camila stood with her fingertips wrapped around her shivering arms wondering over her entire life to think how in the world she had happened in such a place.. she'd describe her life as boring if you asked.. she was honest like that, an open book if you will.. but right now stood facing a chiller door that dropped with frozen dirty droplets.. she just wondered.. why..

She hadn't turned around to look behind her yet, she couldn't, her mind didn't seem to want to see what it was that the evil woman hid behind the dirty door.. it couldn't have been nice.. it smelt terrible actually but with the tip of her nose burning in the cold she started to loose track of time, how long she'd been stood there now a mystery as the pattering footsteps outside had vanished.. she was alone..

With the dim creak behind her however the browns of her eyes shot to examine the noise, she regret looking quickly as the sight saw was something she wished never have to been seen, bodies stacked like Lego's in tight containers, dried blood frozen into the hard concrete floor.. Lauren's Mark.. left on every single one of them.. the fear set in quickly, just looking over the corpses all seemingly ended by a single woman

The shivers grew stronger and the welling in her eyes painful, she didn't know which was better.. this.. or a world ending bullet in the head, she didn't like being scared, it was painful, knotting in her stomach as she backed into the freezing door, her lips began shading a dull blue and her fingers an angering red, each fibre of her body fading away as she'd completely lost the ability to think straight..

Across the halls however a large guard approached his leaders office, his head full of brown hair bowing in the door way before a strong 'come in' was spoken, he strode forwards with confidence now ignoring Fallon who sat perched against the desk

"Miss Jauregui, I serve you!"

"What is it, I'm busy!"

She spat back, power growling from between her blood red lips, the slow folding of her leg setting a small gulp into his straining throat as the pale palms connect respectfully against his side

"Miss Jauregui, it's about the girl, she has been in the cooler now for 6 hours! She's uh.. still alive.. walking around!"

Immediately Lauren's sharp brow cocked dramatically as if shocked the frail girl could have withstood even a minute of the torturous cold chamber, Fallon too pursed her lips smugly realising the girl in question was no bigger than a tooth pick.. no way should her body have still stood in such temperatures

"Would you like me to give her a medal? A trophy? Maybe a slow clap?"

"N-No Miss Jauregui! I came for your orders, any longer and she will perish, you give us no permission to call judgment on death ma'am"

The man spoke reiterating Jauregui's very firm orders of business, she let out a frustrated sigh only wishing the new trouble maker would stop being so difficult under her care, she didn't like slaughtering the girls that landed upon her doorstep.. they were useful by all accounts and being a stubborn woman herself she knew many to take a while to find there place..

Lauren sat pondering for a moment, thinking what more she wanted.. peace and quiet.. or a girl with a learnt lesson, Fallon admired the woman's relentless nature however didn't take kindly to the pause, her body lift from the desk turning over on her palms to stare the green eyes directly

"She's just a girl Lauren, fixable.. mouldable.. she has fight back, useful if you ask me.."

"Well I didn't ask you did I?"

Lauren began sharply as her toned thighs lift from behind her desk, the stern glare redirected at the guard sporting a drip of sweat elicited only from being within her presence, her ivory arm reached out snatching the keys from around his waist to dangle in front of her painted face, his jaw clamping down as she ran the sharp end under the pulse point of his trembling throat before strutting past him sadistically exiting out into the hall leaving him releasing a sighing breath that had been held within his chest

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