Chapter 40

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Nothing had resolved over night in the recent events of the jealousy trade, Camila as said went back to her room not even strong enough to undress herself before throwing down in the very large feeling bed that Lauren failed to even come back to, her crying eyes and aching heart forcing her into an uncomfortable sleep that left her waking in the worlds worst mood imaginable.. she did best to stay away from everyone for the majority of the morning venturing down into the lock ups that held the large amounts of stock, she couldn't face the office for even a second it seemed

Noon came around quickly however and a happy Marco as per usual occupied the halls deliberately dragging his sneakers along the floor to elicit a great squeak, his eyes shooting open as the sight of Miss Cabello clapping her heels down the hall warrant some needed attention, he bounced up to her with a giant smile forcing her eyes to lift immediately forcing the boy backwards with a hesitant stare wiping away his happiness and replacing it with fear

"M-Miss Cabello? What happened to your eyes? They look weird?"

He spoke only to be ignored by the lightly barging shoulder causing him to quickly run after her to again stop in front of her body, his squinting gaze taking another look to see her face almost completely vacant, her eyes dull and not present, the usual glitter missing

"Marco, I have... shit to.. do!"

"Your eyes! Why do they look like that?"

The girl only huffed slamming a file into his arms before again attempting to walk away this time leaving the boy stood in the centre of the hall to look on at her continuous walking body.. she walked right past the office.. down a staircase and out of sight once more..

"You good papi?"

Sam spoke joining behind his shoulder making him jump slightly as he stare on at the quickly disappearing woman, his brief turning slightly panicked forcing the man to drag him quickly into his office locking it behind to take away the files in his palm

"Marco what happened?"

"Nothing just? Miss Cabello looked really weird? Like she was on something?"

He spoke only causing Sam to shake his head dismissively, his memories of his sister using such substances vivid and painful enough to ignore as he walked back to his desk to perch against the wood, the boy wondering slightly as he part his lips to speak

"She'll be ok right?"

"She has been every other time! Don't panic ok? You look good by the way.."

"Thanks.. Lauren got me a new sweater because I completed all of her math stuff for her.. she can be kind sometimes"

Marco giggled forcing Sam to smile as he look up at the boys handsome features, he still couldn't get over the fact they were sneaking around but thought now that he was standing in front that it was the best place to be.. they liked each other and it was obvious.. so much so that without even another word Marco paced forwards to instantly connect lips with the man only slightly taller in height, a passionate embrace that lasted for at least a few minutes, Sam approached it differently than the other men he'd been with.. usually he'd be inappropriately touching them and groping them but Marco was different.. he couldn't help but stay classy and keep his hands laced loosely around his neck in order not to take advantage or scare him in anyway he'd regret

However when the boys hand began to anxiously trail over his stomach and down into his belt he was forced to jump back to grab his wrist with a gasping breath that delegate the kiss almost immediately

"Marco! Papi what are you doing?"

"W- I thought that's what I had to do? Because you like me and I like you? I thought that meant I had to-

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